
zydadmin2023-04-25  69


(Some scenery can only be liked but not collected,just like some people,only suitable for encounting,but not suitable for holding hands)


(In the wind and rain road of life,you accompany me for a ride,I will miss you all my life,and for the rest of my life,you will be cherished in the bottom of my heart)


(I told you that I love you,It doesn’t mean that I want to go out with you,I just hope that in the future,when you upset,you can remember that someone has been attracted by your charm,I’m just a petty person on your life road,after finishing this road,I will also become the road you passed by,I must understand sometimes encounting is a blessing .)


(when we were young,we gave up,thinking that was a relationship,then we finally realized that actually was a lifetime.some people,we forgot inadventently,and some other people ,we try our best,but we can’t forget them at all.)


(You are the most beautiful encounter in my life,and the only persistence I have,no matter whether you are connected or not,I will always love you if you are always there.)


(Love at first sight is just a feeling of lust,fall in love in a long time is just a matter of weighing the pros and cons.love is begins with face,is fascinated by talent,is attracted to sound,is end with body,and finally defeated by material,killed by reality )


(Cherish all unexpected encounters and look down on all leave without saying goodbye,I hope that you can get what you want and let go of )


(Regardless of the outcome,I have been grateful to meet you,to get to know you and fall in love with you,after my graduation,I would never love someone else like I love you,It hurts a lot,but I will cherish it my whole life.)

9.“How do you say goodbye to someone you can’t imagine living without?”

“This question is too difficult to answer,what would you say?”

"I didn’t say goodbye,I didn’t say anything,I just walk away."

"Are you still feeling sad?"

"Yeah.of course,but you know,not every encounter has an end,but each meeting carries some meanings,some people are there to help you grow."

"Yeah.you are right.I wish you eternal happiness.

10.In case no one told you,you are loved,you are needed,you are alive for a reason.


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