1.如果你瞄准月亮 即使迷失也是在星辰之间.
If you aim at the moon, even if you are lost, it is between the stars
2.女孩子不要太陷入感情 最好的是 别人进一步你进一步 别人退一步你退三步 更不要为了喜欢的人做傻事 喜欢你的人不会强迫你做你不喜欢的事.
People who like you don't force you to do things you don't like
3.以后祝福别人要说 愿你被这个世界温柔以待 躲不过的惊吓都只是一场虚惊 收到的欢喜从无空喜.
After blessing others to say that you may be gentle in the world to avoid the fear is only a false alarm, the joy received will never be empty
4.祝你前程似锦 在冬深 在初春 在夏至 在秋末.
I wish you a bright future in winter, early spring, summer solstice and late autumn
5.你总会遇到一个人恰到好处的就适合你 不用刻意迁就 可以任意撒娇 相爱并且默契 你要等.
You will always meet someone who is just right for you, You don't have to give in to it. You can love each other and know you have to wait
6.和爸爸吵架了就摸摸肚子上的肉的 这是爸爸辛苦赚的钱 和妈妈吵架了就摸摸肚肚上的肚脐眼吧 这是曾经和妈妈相连的地方
Please give priority to those who give priority to you