
zydadmin2023-05-08  86


"Changing Venezuela's representative will not help to resolve the Venezuela issue," Geng said, adding that it has disrupted the atmosphere of the annual meeting and its preparation.

"By participating in the CIIE, Ferrero would like to seize the opportunity of recovery to further consolidate its leading position in the China market and continue to fulfill its unwavering commitment to Chinese consumers by means of insistence on high quality and the pursuit of innovation," he added.

"By incorporating smart technologies into urban infrastructure, manufacturing and services, we can remotely monitor the health and performance of essential equipment and take action preemptively to avoid service interruptions or shutdowns. Deploying advanced robotics and automation solutions allows us to keep factories and plants operational without exposing humans to health and safety risks," he said.

"China is a very important country (that) helps solve economic problems of many countries around the world. China is willing to work with many countries not imperialistically but through social cooperation between the people," Rocha said.

"But my staff don't want to go there yet because they worry about their daily lives," said Cao. "They are concerned about public services in a new area at this early stage.



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