
zydadmin2023-05-17  60


As far as sounds, when GeekWire visited there was still some light construction happening, and noise associated with getting the place in top shape. Gagliardo expects it will quiet down.

As an experimental zone for comprehensive reform, the FTZs in China combine openness and innovation, a risk stress-testing zone for the open economy system, and a pilot area for improving the government's function, while supporting the development of the Belt and Road Initiative.

As for why China should look to Europe when developing its AI strategy. He said Europe has world-class researchers, laboratories and startups in the field of AI, making it home to the world's leading AI research community.

As a major step in China's financial opening-up process, government officials have vowed to ensure the stock connect starts trading by the end of the year.

As a result, he said, “Really all of the change year-over-year is in the investments area, which we’ve been pretty transparent on.”


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