
zydadmin2023-05-17  50


"Gaizhou shadow puppets have huge eyes, and you can tell if a puppet is a bad or a good guy simply from its appearance," said Lin, who is a fifth generation inheritor of the national-level intangible cultural heritage.

"For cosmetic products, three months is a long time in terms of fashion," said Yu Xiao, director of the registration and claim affairs at the scientific and regulatory affairs department at L'Oreal China.

"Governments should substantially reduce their role in direct resources allocation, and channel more energy into macro regulation, public services, market supervision, social management and environmental protection," said Yang Weimin, deputy head of the Office of the Central Commission for Financial and Economic Affairs.

"For example, we offer psychological aid for victims as well as offenders in cases involving domestic violence, and talk with the two sides in different rooms to ensure victims' safety," he said.

"For Beingmate, this would serve as an opportunity to secure new strategic partners and strengthen its financing channels to keep its independence in terms of operations," Song said.


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