2个英文单词的霸气短句 英文短句,两个单词,感叹句,急~谢谢

zydadmin2023-07-25  90

Good luck !


Bad luck !


How beautiful !


How delicious !


关于激励的短句 就像特种部队在行动之前互相激励的短句 要英语的 越短越好 两个单词是最好的 要四句话

Wow 哇!(叫绝声)

2. Way To Go 就该这么做

3. Super 极好的

4. You"re Special 你不一般

5. Outstanding 杰出的

6. Excellent 优秀的

7. Great 伟大的

8. Good 好的

9. Neat 真整洁

10. Well Done 做得好

11. Remarkable 非凡的

12. I Knew You Could Do It 我知道你能做的

13. I"m Proud Of You 我为你而骄傲

14. Fantastic 太奇妙了

15. Super Star 超级明星

16. Nice Work 干得好

17. Looking Good 看上去不错

18. You"re On Top Of It 你是数一数二的

19. Beautiful 美极了

20. Now You"re Flying 现在你起飞了(进步了)

21. You"re Catching On 你是有吸引力的

22. Now You"ve Got It 现在你做到了

23. You"re Incredible 你简直难以置信

24. You Can Do It 你能做到

25. How Did You Do That? 你怎样完成的?

26. Bravo 好啊!妙!

27. You"re Fantastic 你真太妙了

28. You"re Improving 你在进步

29. Hurray For You 为你喊**

30. You"re On Target 你达到目标了

31. You"re On Your Way 你在前进中

32. How Nice 多好啊

33. Good Job 干的出色

34. That"s Incredible 简直难以置信

35. Hot Dog 热狗

36. Let"s Try Again 再试试

37. Dynamite 非同凡响

38. You"re Beautiful 你太美了

39. You"re Unique 你太不寻常了

40. Nothing Can Stop You Now 现在你已所向无敌了

41. Good For You 为你好

42. I Like You 我喜欢你

43. You"re A Winner 你是赢家

44. I Respect You 我尊敬你

45. You"ll Make It 你一定会成功的

46. Remarkable Job 出色的工作

47. Beautiful Work 完美的工作

48. Spectacular 壮观的,引人入胜的

49. I Like The Way You Handled That 我欣赏你的做法

50. You"re Precious 你是宝贵的

51. Great Discovery 伟大的发现

52. You"ve Discovered The Secret 你已经发现了秘密

53. You"re Making Progress 你正在进步

54. You Figured It Out 你搞懂了

55. Fantastic Job 干的太好了

56. Hip, Hip Hurray **!(喝彩声)

57. Bingo 你成功了

58. I Believe You"ll Handle It 我确信你能行

59. Magnificent 杰出的

60. Marvelous 非凡的

61. Terrific 太妙了

62. You Really Tried 你确实尽力了

63. Thanks For Helping 感谢你的帮助

64. Super Job 出色完成任务

65. Creative Job 创造性的完成任务

66. Super Work 超级完成任务

67. You"re Sensational 你真令人感动

68. I Like Your Work 我欣赏你的工作

69. I Can See Progress 我已经看到了进步

70. Exceptional Performance 非同一般的表现

71. You"re A Real Trooper 你真实一个好骑手

72. You Are Responsible 你是负责任的

73. You Are Exciting 你真令人激动

74. You Learned It Right 你做对了

75. Look How Far You"ve Come 瞧,你已经有多领先了

76. What An Imagination 多么丰富的想象力!

77. What A Good Listener 多么专注的听众啊!

78. You Are Fun 你真有趣

79. You"re Growing Up 你长大了

80. You Tried Hard 你尽力了

81. You Care 你很认真

82. Outstanding Performance 出色的表现

83. You"re A Good Friend 你是一个好朋友

84. I Have Confidence In Your Judgment 我坚信你的判断

85. I Trust You 我相信你

86. You"re Important 你非常重要

87. You Belong 你属于我们

88. You"ve Got A Friend 你已经得到了一个朋友

89. You Make Me Laugh 你让我开怀大笑

90. You Brighten My Day 你让我今天增辉不少

91. I Respect You 我崇敬你

92. That"s Correct 正确

93. You"re A Joy 你真让人高兴

94. You"re A Treasure 你是个宝

95. You"re Wonderful 你真妙极了

96. Awesome 真了不起

97. You Made My Day 你今天真让我高兴

98. That"s The Best 真出色

99. A Big Hug 热情拥抱你

100. A Big Kiss 亲吻你

101. You look fantastic!你看起来很棒!

102. You are making amazing progress!你正在取得令人惊讶的进步!

103. You are the most important person in my life!你是我生命中最重要的人!

104. I really appreciate your help!我真的很感激你的帮助!

1055. You did a really good job!你做得真漂亮!

1066. I’ m so proud of you.我为你感到骄傲。

107. Don’t waste time making excuses!不要浪费时间找借口

108. Try to help someone every day. 尝试每天去帮助别人。

109. dreams are waiting to be realized!你的梦想正在等着你去实现!

110. I’m crazy about speaking English! 我热爱说英语!

111. Love others as you love yourself! 爱人如爱己!

112. Never doubt yourself!Always believe in yourself!绝不怀疑自己的能力!总是相信自己!

113. I can make a big difference in this world!世界因我而**不同!

141 . I’ m totally responsible for my life!我对自己的人生付全部责任!

15. I’ m absolutely sure I can master English!我确信我可以精通英语

16. When you wake up every day, remember to smail! 每天醒来时,要记得微笑!

17. The way to be happy is to make others happy!让自己快乐的方法就时让别人快乐!

18. I’ m going to set the world on fire!我一定可以取得巨大的成就!

19. Never say impossible !绝不说不可能!

20. Attitude is everything! 态度决定一切!

21. There are no limits. Your future is unlimited.世界杯无极限。你的未来无可限量。

22. You are the master of your own destiny. 你是命运的主宰!

23. It is impossible to defeat a person who never gives up!打败一个永不放弃的人是不可能的!

24. Laughter is the best medicine. 笑是最好的良药。

25. If someone else can do it, you can do it, too.如果别人能做到你也能做到。

26. Every day can be extraordinary. 每一天都可以成为非凡的一天。

27. The more words you learn, the more words you can learn. 你学的单词越多,你学单词的能力就越强。

28. Never put off until tomorrow what you can do today.永远不要把今天能做的事拖延到明天。

29. People don’t believe in you if you don’t believe in yourself.如果你不相信你自己,别人是不会相信你的。

30. I like and respect myself and others. I feel terrific about myself. 我喜欢并尊重我自己和他人。我自我感觉棒极了。

求一些英文短句,单词也行! 回答好加分!

Love yourself, agree with oneself, find the meaning of life value.


The universe is to love me, my everything is rosy..


You put your focus on, where will grow..


2个英文单词的霸气短句 英文短句,两个单词,感叹句,急~谢谢扩展阅读

2个英文单词的霸气短句 英文短句,两个单词,感叹句,急~谢谢(扩展1)

——2个英文单词的霸气短句 英文短句,两个单词,感叹句,急~谢谢

Good luck !


Bad luck !


How beautiful !


How delicious !


关于激励的短句 就像特种部队在行动之前互相激励的短句 要英语的 越短越好 两个单词是最好的 要四句话

Wow 哇!(叫绝声)

2. Way To Go 就该这么做

3. Super 极好的

4. You"re Special 你不一般

5. Outstanding 杰出的

6. Excellent 优秀的

7. Great 伟大的

8. Good 好的

9. Neat 真整洁

10. Well Done 做得好

11. Remarkable 非凡的

12. I Knew You Could Do It 我知道你能做的

13. I"m Proud Of You 我为你而骄傲

14. Fantastic 太奇妙了

15. Super Star 超级明星

16. Nice Work 干得好

17. Looking Good 看上去不错

18. You"re On Top Of It 你是数一数二的

19. Beautiful 美极了

20. Now You"re Flying 现在你起飞了(进步了)

21. You"re Catching On 你是有吸引力的

22. Now You"ve Got It 现在你做到了

23. You"re Incredible 你简直难以置信

24. You Can Do It 你能做到

25. How Did You Do That? 你怎样完成的?

26. Br*o 好啊!妙!

27. You"re Fantastic 你真太妙了

28. You"re Improving 你在进步

29. Hurray For You 为你喊**

30. You"re On Target 你达到目标了

31. You"re On Your Way 你在前进中

32. How Nice 多好啊

33. Good Job 干的出色

34. That"s Incredible 简直难以置信

35. Hot Dog 热狗

36. Let"s Try Again 再试试

37. Dynamite 非同凡响

38. You"re Beautiful 你太美了

39. You"re Unique 你太不寻常了

40. Nothing Can Stop You Now 现在你已所向无敌了

41. Good For You 为你好

42. I Like You 我喜欢你

43. You"re A Winner 你是赢家

44. I Respect You 我尊敬你

45. You"ll Make It 你一定会成功的

46. Remarkable Job 出色的工作

47. Beautiful Work 完美的工作

48. Spectacular 壮观的,引人入胜的

49. I Like The Way You Handled That 我欣赏你的做法

50. You"re Precious 你是宝贵的

51. Great Discovery 伟大的发现

52. You"ve Discovered The Secret 你已经发现了秘密

53. You"re Making Progress 你正在进步

54. You Figured It Out 你搞懂了

55. Fantastic Job 干的太好了

56. Hip, Hip Hurray **!(喝彩声)

57. Bingo 你成功了

58. I Believe You"ll Handle It 我确信你能行

59. Magnificent 杰出的

60. Marvelous 非凡的

61. Terrific 太妙了

62. You Really Tried 你确实尽力了

63. Thanks For Helping 感谢你的帮助

64. Super Job 出色完成任务

65. Creative Job 创造性的完成任务

66. Super Work 超级完成任务

67. You"re Sensational 你真令人感动

68. I Like Your Work 我欣赏你的工作

69. I Can See Progress 我已经看到了进步

70. Exceptional Performance 非同一般的表现

71. You"re A Real Trooper 你真实一个好骑手

72. You Are Responsible 你是负责任的

73. You Are Exciting 你真令人激动

74. You Learned It Right 你做对了

75. Look How Far You"ve Come 瞧,你已经有多领先了

76. What An Imagination 多么丰富的想象力!

77. What A Good Listener 多么专注的听众啊!

78. You Are Fun 你真有趣

79. You"re Growing Up 你长大了

80. You Tried Hard 你尽力了

81. You Care 你很认真

82. Outstanding Performance 出色的表现

83. You"re A Good Friend 你是一个好朋友

84. I H*e Confidence In Your Judgment 我坚信你的判断

85. I Trust You 我相信你

86. You"re Important 你非常重要

87. You Belong 你属于我们

88. You"ve Got A Friend 你已经得到了一个朋友

89. You Make Me Laugh 你让我开怀大笑

90. You Brighten My Day 你让我今天增辉不少

91. I Respect You 我崇敬你

92. That"s Correct 正确

93. You"re A Joy 你真让人高兴

94. You"re A Treasure 你是个宝

95. You"re Wonderful 你真妙极了

96. Awesome 真了不起

97. You Made My Day 你今天真让我高兴

98. That"s The Best 真出色

99. A Big Hug 热情拥抱你

100. A Big Kiss 亲吻你

101. You look fantastic!你看起来很棒!

102. You are making amazing progress!你正在取得令人惊讶的进步!

103. You are the most important person in my life!你是我生命中最重要的人!

104. I really appreciate your help!我真的很感激你的帮助!

1055. You did a really good job!你做得真漂亮!

1066. I’ m so proud of you.我为你感到骄傲。

107. Don’t waste time making excuses!不要浪费时间找借口

108. Try to help someone every day. 尝试每天去帮助别人。

109. dreams are waiting to be realized!你的梦想正在等着你去实现!

110. I’m crazy about speaking English! 我热爱说英语!

111. Love others as you love yourself! 爱人如爱己!

112. Never doubt yourself!Always believe in yourself!绝不怀疑自己的能力!总是相信自己!

113. I can make a big difference in this world!世界因我而**不同!

141 . I’ m totally responsible for my life!我对自己的人生付全部责任!

15. I’ m absolutely sure I can master English!我确信我可以精通英语

16. When you wake up every day, remember to smail! 每天醒来时,要记得微笑!

17. The way to be happy is to make others happy!让自己快乐的方法就时让别人快乐!

18. I’ m going to set the world on fire!我一定可以取得巨大的成就!

19. Never say impossible !绝不说不可能!

20. Attitude is everything! 态度决定一切!

21. There are no limits. Your future is unlimited.世界杯无极限。你的未来无可限量。

22. You are the master of your own destiny. 你是命运的主宰!

23. It is impossible to defeat a person who never gives up!打败一个永不放弃的人是不可能的!

24. Laughter is the best medicine. 笑是最好的良药。

25. If someone else can do it, you can do it, too.如果别人能做到你也能做到。

26. Every day can be extraordinary. 每一天都可以成为非凡的一天。

27. The more words you learn, the more words you can learn. 你学的单词越多,你学单词的能力就越强。

28. Never put off until tomorrow what you can do today.永远不要把今天能做的事拖延到明天。

29. People don’t believe in you if you don’t believe in yourself.如果你不相信你自己,别人是不会相信你的。

30. I like and respect myself and others. I feel terrific about myself. 我喜欢并尊重我自己和他人。我自我感觉棒极了。

求一些英文短句,单词也行! 回答好加分!

Love yourself, agree with oneself, find the meaning of life value.


The universe is to love me, my everything is rosy..


You put your focus on, where will grow..


2个英文单词的霸气短句 英文短句,两个单词,感叹句,急~谢谢(扩展2)

——英文清新短句4个单词 求 四个英文单词组成的,唯美短句!

you make my day

your name, my heart

knowing me knowing you


No pains,no gains.一分付出一份收获


Waiting for the breeze


I’ve learned..


Reach for the light


Love never dies.


Keep walking in sunshine


2个英文单词的霸气短句 英文短句,两个单词,感叹句,急~谢谢(扩展3)

——英文短句爱情3个单词 以rch开头的英文短句 爱情 3个单词

Romance causes happiness /health. 爱使人幸福(愉悦)。

- Amor Vincit Omnia


(1) I love you not because of who you are, but because of who I am when I am with you.

2个英文单词的霸气短句 英文短句,两个单词,感叹句,急~谢谢(扩展4)



那么,高端洋气上档次的英语浪漫情话,甜而不腻,你了解多少呢?“love”不过是一个简单的英文单词,但一句“I love you”,却有千百种动人的诠释——

1、There are 4 steps to happiness: 1 you 2 me 3 our hearts 4 together.

通过四步就能幸福:1 你2 我3 我们的心4 在一起。

2、I send my miss to the scattering stars and wish you a sweet dream under the light shedding through your window.


3、I miss you when I am depressed, just as I miss the sunlight in winter; I miss you when I feel happy, just as I miss the shade in the hot sun.


4、It’s you that led me out of the loneliness when I was lost in my mind.


5、Love you so I don`t wanna go to sleep, for reality is better than a dream.


6、I love you not because of who you are,but because of who I am when I am with you.


7、No man or woman is worth your tears,and the one who is ,won’t make you cry.


8、The worst way to miss someone is to be sitting right beside them knowing you can’t h*e them.


9、Never frown,even when you are sad,because you never know who is falling in love with your smile.


10、To the world you may be one person,but to one person you may be the world.


11、Don’t waste your time on a man/woman,who isn’t willing to waste their time on you.


12、Just because someone doesn’t love you the way you want them to,doesn’t mean they don’t love you with all they h*e.


13、Don’t try to hard,the best things come when you least expect them to.


14、Maybe God wants us to meet a few wrong people before meeting the right one,so that when we finally meet the person,we will know how to be grateful.


15、Where there is great love, there are always miracles.


16、Love is like a butterfly. It goes where it pleases and it pleases where it goes.


17、If I had a single flower for every time I think about you, I could walk forever in my garden.


18、Within you I lose myself, without you I find myself wanting to be lost again.


19、At the touch of love everyone becomes a poet.


20、Look into my eyes – you will see what you mean to me.


21、Distance makes the hearts grow fonder.


22、I need him like I need the air to breathe.


23、If equal affection cannot be, let the more loving be me.


24、Love is a vine that grows into our hearts.


25、If I know what love is, it is because of you.


26、Love is the greatest refreshment in life.


27、Love never dies.

2个英文单词的霸气短句 英文短句,两个单词,感叹句,急~谢谢(扩展5)





1. I used roughly 8 deer backstraps and 7 leg tendons.


2. Deer tendons collagen has obvious therapeutic effect on AA rats.


3. Methods: The male Wistar rats were modeled to AA with Complete Freund's adjuvant, then treated by the deer tendons collagen, to observe the toes swelling degree, weight, serum levels of IL-lβ and TNF-a, content of MDA and vitality of SOD in serum.


4. Antler blood, deer bone, deer tendon, deer tail, deer heart, deer tongue etc. also has medical treatment and health care functions, at the same time, it is also healthy food with good taste.


5. And one afternoon, when among the amlak trees the shadow grew grave and sweet with the furtive caress of light, the deer set off to run like a meteor in love with death.


6. The chief of the tribe had his men hunt five deer to bring to the feast.



1. The whole appearance of this breed should give an impression of grace and symmetry and of great speed and endurance coupled with strength and activity to enable it to kill gazelle or other quarry over deep sand or rocky mountains.


2. Yet still, after much wandering through Africa in the last few years, I rate this as the most exciting encounter that has come my way; and I remember how, no longer any need for silence, the guides with their pangas slashed a path for us to return through the bush, and how they grinned and were pleased because we were pleased, and how I went down the mountain like a young gazelle in two hours straight, never a touch of fatigue, never a thought for my blistered feet after such a happy day.


3. Maggie: I'm a hungry lioness and you're a baby gazelle.


4. Mongolian gazelle only distributes in the Mongolia and the People Republic of China.


5. She was a perfectly honest, conscientious woman, who had performed duties in her day from whose sever anguish many a human Peri, gazelle-eyed, silken-tressed, and silver-tongued, would have shrunk appalled.


6. The river. Lots of springbok and gazelle.


7. Gazelle like to understand what he said, he was not looking at the opposite Willing to leave.


8. The toilet! Let me show you, you velvet snooted gazelle!



英 [glt] 美 [ɡlt]


1. Top lot by value is an impressive Napoleon III parcel-gilt, polychrome-decorated, ivory-inlaid and ormula-mounted ebony and ebonised cabinet, from the third quarter of the 19th century.


2. Chinese art of gilt-and-colored wooden carving enjoys widespread renown.


3. Guang Xu Jian Yuqing building is fifteen years, more than 30 meters high, a total of four layers, Zhu-chu, green glazed tile, Baoding gilt.


4. On the grass beside him lay a plumed hat, and a pair of riding-gloves gauntleted with gilt lace


5. They wore robes of red and gilt paper, and the god had a scant, drooping moustache of red hair.


2个英文单词的霸气短句 英文短句,两个单词,感叹句,急~谢谢(扩展6)





birthday 生日

birthday cake生日蛋糕


birthday party 生日聚会

birthday candle生日蜡烛

birthday card生日贺卡

good wishes 祝福;愿望

take photos 照相

fete day 生日

genethliacally 生日地


What do you want for your birthday? 你生日想要什么礼物

Happy birthday 生日快乐

Happy birthday to you 祝你生日快乐

Happy 18th 18岁生日快乐

Make a wish许个愿吧

I hope this year gives you everything you could ever wish for. 希望你今年所有的愿望都会实现

I only have one wish this year 我今年只有一个心愿

Blow out the candles. 把蜡烛吹了


Many happy returns of the day!


May I wish you many happy returns of the day.


Here is a present for you.


I'd like to present this book to you.


I bought an album for you.


I don't know how to thank you for your gift.


It's very kind of you.




I wish you happiness in every growing day! Happy birthday!


Although I can"t spend this special day with you, I wish you a happy birthday in this far away place as I do!


Today is your birthday. Mother doesn"t want to be too wordy. She just wants to give you silent wishes.


Youth sunshine laughs and dances in a happy rhythm for the day that belongs to you. Happy birthday to you!


My child, don"t be timid, don"t look back, take courageous steps forward.


Your birthday is a celebration of life, wish you health and happiness, happy birthday!


My dear daughter, you are the closest person to my mother. My mother wishes you a happy birthday and happiness forever.

2个英文单词的霸气短句 英文短句,两个单词,感叹句,急~谢谢(扩展7)


有那些简单的英文情话:1、I love you with all my heart.我全心全意爱你。

2、one life one love!一生只爱你一个。3、My heart belongs to you.我的心属于你。

4、When I close my eyes。all I see is you.一闭上眼,看到的全部是你。

5、I love you for you.我真心爱你!6、Grow old along with me, the best is yet to be.执子之手,与子偕老。7、You light up my life.你照亮我的生命。

8、You are my sweet-heart.你是我的宝贝。9、You mean the world to me.你对我来说,就是全世界。

10、you are my only love.你是我的最爱。最美的10句简短英文情话:1、one life one love!2、I love you for you.3、You are my sweet-heart.4、you are my only love.5、You light up my life.6、My heart belongs to you.7、You mean the world to me.8、Grow old along with me, the best is yet to be.9、When I close my eyes。

all I see is you.10、I love you with all my heart.美丽的英文句子:1、【一份不渝的友谊,执着千万个祝福,给我想念的朋友,温馨的问候。 For our ever-lasting friendship, send sincere blessings and warm greetings to my friends whom I miss so much。】

2、【No man or woman is worth your tears, and the one who is, won't make you cry。 没有人值得让你为他/她流泪,值得让你这么做的人不会让你哭泣。

】3、【I'll think of you every step of the way。 我会想你,在漫漫长路的每一步。】

4、【It's often said that you will have the same life as the person you find。 Therefore, different choices make different endings。

人们说,找到了什么样的人就有了什么样的生活,于是不同的选择,就有不同的童话结尾。 】5、【Don't try so hard, the best things come when you least expect them to。

不要着急,最好的总会在最不经意的时候出现。 】6、【It seems like just yesterday, you came into my world stole my heart and you stole my whole person, don't return to me, because we will be together forever!好像是昨天的事,你走进了我的世界偷走了我的心也偷走了我整个人,不用还我了,因为我们要永远在一起!】7、【To the world you may be one person, but to one person you may be the world。

对于世界而言,你是一个人;但是对于某个人,你是他的整个世界。 】8、【The love world is big, which can hold hundreds of disappointments; the love world is small which is crowded even with three people inside。

原来爱情的世界很大,大到可以装下上百种委屈; 原来爱情的世界很小,小到三个人就挤到窒息。 】9、【I miss you so much already and I haven't even left yet! 尽管还不曾离开,我已对**思暮想!】10、【To keep someone around you is not love; love is to let the one you love go freely。

不是把对方留在自己身边才叫爱,能放手让所爱的人离开,也是爱的一种。 】11、【Every day without you is like a book without pages。

没有你的日子就像一本没有书页的书。】12、【I love you not because of who you are, but because of who I am when I am with you。

我爱你,不是因为你是一个怎样的人,而是因为我喜欢与你在一起时的感觉。 】13、【The one you love also loves you。

This is a miracle。 And the god names this as falling in love with each other。

自己爱的人同时也爱着自己,这简直是一种奇迹, 神明为这种奇迹取了一个名字,叫做恋爱。 】14、【我要幸福的昏倒了! I am too happy to stand faint!】15、【How it feels when you are loved by the one you love? How could it be like? If you want to answer it immediately, you shall know how happy you are。

被自己所爱的人深爱着是什么样的感觉呢?会是什么样子呢? 想要立刻回答的人,你要知道自己是多么幸福。 】16、【If I know what love is, it is because of you。

因为你,我懂得了爱。简短的英文情话】17、【Never frown, even when you are sad, because you never know who is falling in love with your smile。

纵然伤心,也不要愁眉不展,因为你不知是谁会爱上你的笑容。 】18、【月亮**我的心! The moonlight stands for my heart!】19、【难道你怕一个深爱着你的痴情儿? Do you fear a love fool who is loving you so dee*?】20、【Never expect the perfect man, it's not because that you cannot find, but just because there is no perfect man。

不要期待完美的男人,不是因为你期待不到,而是根本没有完美的男人。 】21、【In spite of you and me and the silly world going to pieces around us,I love you。

哪怕是世界末日,我都会爱你。】22、【The worst way to miss someone is to be sitting right beside them knowing you can't have them。

失去某人,最糟糕的莫过于,他近在身旁,却犹如远在天边。 】23、【It is better to have love and lost than never to have loved at all。

宁可曾经爱过而失败,也不要从来未曾有过一次爱。 】24、【Don't waste your time on a man/woman, who isn't willing to waste their time on you。




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