
zydadmin2023-08-28  83

麻烦了!(whether前的可以理解,所以为了方便用|标了一下)The main concern here is the amount of energy that goes into the making of new products and |whether or not that extra carbon is worth the footprint the product will make once it gets to you. 主要想知道“whether or not that extra carbon is worth...”这后部分的句子结构和成分,以及翻译。 我自己的拙见是这样(不好意思我觉得不太对)——是the extra carbon是主语,is是系动词,worth是表语,然后be worth sth.,也就是is worth the footprint,再然后footprint后面的“the product will make”是省略了连接词的定语,once是一旦的意思,引导条件状语从句,但是我自己翻译的总觉得怎样都不通顺不合理,鄙人不才,望轻喷,希望指教一下!! 拜托!求各位大神教教我吧!!!我真的有些糊涂 不知道具体语境,尝试翻译了一下,可以参考参考:当前关注点集中在制造新产品需耗费的能源量、以及(生产所)耗费的额外碳能量是否足以抵消使用过程中的碳排放量上面。 这里面的you指代不明,但按照推理应该是指的顾客吧。 谢邀~ The main concern here is the amount of energy (that goes into the making of new products) and whether or not that extra carbon is worth the footprint the product will make once it gets to you. 第一层是表语从句 ,用and 并列 The main concern here is the amount of energy and 【whether or not that extra carbon is worth the footprint 】 注意 that extra carbon指代上文投入制造时所产生的额外的碳足迹 worth 我个人觉得可异译, 即在比较 生产和使用时碳排放量 的多少 结合全文主旨,就在比较谁耗费的碳排放量更少 In my everyday life, I am on an ongoing journey to figure out different ways to reduce my carbon footprint on the planet. A carbon footprint is the measure of influence our activities have on the environment, in particular climate change. It is calculated by the amount of greenhouse gas we produce in our daily lives. Fortunately, nowadays it is much easier to make eco-friendly lifestyle choices than, let's say, 20 years ago. But one question has been on my mind a lot lately: is it better to buy new eco-friendly products or used traditionally produced goods? 第二层the amount of energy后定从修饰 the amount of energy (that goes into the making of new products) 译为 :投入在制造新产品的总能量数 第三层 the footprint的 后置定语 the footprint the product will make 译为:产品产生的碳足迹 第四层 once 后引导条件状从,这个条件状从是跟着后置定语的,共同修饰 the footprint the footprint the product will make once it gets to you. 三四层连起来译为,产品到家并在使用过程中带来的碳足迹 整句话翻译 当前主要关注点在于,投入在制造新产品的总能量数,以及制造时所产生的额外的碳足迹量是否少于这个产品到家并在使用过程中带来的碳足迹 以上仅是我个人意见~有不妥的地方请谅解 我也觉得该句不规范,但语法没有问题。 平行结构有它的好处,我们可以注意运用提出中心论点(将三个分论点以平行结构方式概括)举例 1)单词平行I have nothing to offer but blood, toil, tears and sweat. blood, toil, tears, sweat这几个名词构成了并列成分,使得句子读起来更有气势,更有感染力 (2)短语平行They understood that our power alone cannot protect us, nor does it entitle us to do as we please. Instead, they knew that our power grows through its prudent use. Our security emanates from the justness of our cause; the force of our example; the tempering qualities of humility and restraint. 共同结构是 the XX of… 它们构成了短语平行结构,使得句子更加有节奏感。 (3)从句平行 that从句的重复令人印象深刻,这种从句平行结构在演讲中很常见,可以用于增强气势,调动观众情绪。 如 The Declaration of Independence 容易被忽视的平行结构(名词和动名词 /不定式 放一起) 1 . Enormous amounts are spent on cancer research and curing people suffering from the disease. × Enormous amounts are spent on cancer research and on efforts to cure people suffering from the disease. ○ 2. the study found that most welfare recipients wanted to work rather than handouts.? the study found that most welfare recipients wanted to work rather than to accept handouts.√(对等连接词) Shou-bi, my crazy dog loves running after Frisbees and plays with leaves.? Shou-bi, my crazy dog, loves running after Frisbees and playing with leaves.√ Shou-bi, my crazy dog, loves to run after Frisbees and to play with leaves.√(相关连接词) 如both…and…, either…or…, neither…nor, not only… but also…, Not only was he rude, but also ate all the shrimp balls.? Not only was he rude, but also he ate all the shrimp balls.√(比较) 如like, unlike, as much as, the same as, different from, more/less…than… The total expense (of camping) can be far less than the hotels. × The total expense can be far less than the cost of hotels. ○ than左右两边相比较的内容应是平行结构。本句相比较的应该是露营支出与宾馆开销之间比较比较,而并非是支出与宾馆比较 Foods at restaurants are not as healthy as at home.? Foods at restaurants are not as healthy as at home.√ as …as的比较结构,由于本身是一种平行结构,因此前后比较的形式要保持一致。前半句中的比较对象是foods at restaurants,核心词是foods,后半句中的比较对象也应该是foods,因此不能省略掉foods这个词(单复数不一致) Trains, buses, and a ferry are examples of public transportation. 我还找到一些 and 不表示并列结构的情况 (部分摘自网络,侵权删) 猜测:新产品的正常使用是比老产品省能量(减少碳排放),但增加投入去生产新品也需要消耗能量。这里产生了extra 和 worth。 这里主要考虑的一个是投入新产品生产消耗的能量(增加)数额(意味着增加了碳排放)第二个是这个增加的数额是否比新产品使用时减少的碳排放数额少。(少,就值得;多了,就不值得)。 句子在意义上有两个数额比较的意思,只是采用worth来表现。投入新品生产增加了碳排放;新产品使用可以减少排放。两个需核算对比,用worh来判断了。 礼让他人的时候,“您先请”用英文怎么说? 有的小伙伴可能最先想到的是You go first或是You go, please。 但如果想要礼貌地表达“您先请”,上面这两个表达都有问题,而非出于礼貌的本意。 举个例子:电梯来了,你想请对方先走进去,顺口来了句: The elevator is here. You go first. 这句话原本是好意,但在对方听来却有些刺耳,因为You go first听起来像个命令。 那该怎么说才礼貌呢? 建议用After you。 After you意思是“我在您后面走,您先请”。这句话是不是听上去就让人舒服多了? 那么,英语中还有哪些地道的礼貌用语,会给人有教养的感觉呢? 久仰 I've heard a lot about you. 久仰大名。 例句: - Nice to meet you. I've heard a lot about you. -很高兴见到你,久仰大名。 请便 Be my guest. 请便,别客气。 例句: - Do you mind if I look at your notes ? -我想看一下你的笔记,你介意吗? - Of course not. Be my guest. -当然不,请便。 过奖 You flatter me. 你过奖了。 例句: - You look handsome tonight! -你今天晚上看上去真英俊! - You flatter me. -你过奖了。 失陪 Excuse me for a moment. 失陪一下。 例句: Excuse me for a moment. I'll be right back. 失陪一下。我马上回来。 我的荣幸 My pleasure. (为您效劳)是我的荣幸。 例句: My pleasure. This way, please. 我的荣幸。这边请。 基本上100/100全对满分,不用那么没有信心说 “鄙人不才”。 让我用英语来回答语法分析。 A. Grammatical AnalysisLet’s focus on the portion of the sentence at issue:“The main concern here is whether or not that extra carbon is worth the footprint (that) the product will make once it gets to you.” 1. “The main concern here”: Subject (主语), a Noun Phrase (名词短语); 2. “is”: Verb (动词), a Linking Verb (系动词), linking the Subject with its Subject 3. “whether or not that extra carbon is worth the footprint (that) the product will make once it gets to you”: Subject a. “whether or not”“whether”: Subordinating Conjunction, #C2(a) (https://zhuanlan.zhihu. b. “that extra carbon is worth the footprint (that) the product will make once it gets to you”: Subject i. “that extra carbon”: Subject Noun Phrase of the Noun Clause; ii. “is”: Linking Verb of the Noun Clause; iii. “worth the footprint (that) the product will make once it gets to you”: Subject Note 1:Analysis of “worth the footprint (that) the product will make once it gets to you” (a) “worth the footprint”: Adjective Phrase, providing information to the Subject Noun Phrase “that extra carbon”; (b) “(that) the product will make”: Adjectival Clause, modifying the Noun “footprint”; (c) “once it gets to you”: Adjectival Phrase introduced by the Subordinating Conjunction “once” (see: https:// B. Translation“whether or not that extra carbon is worth the footprint the product will make once it gets to you.”一旦到达你的手上, 这产品是否值得其制造额外的碳气体足迹呢。。 (Ref: 230219sentenceanalysis)

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