6年级毕业感言简短英语(My Short and Sweet 6th Grade Graduation Speech)

zydadmin2023-08-30  70

My Short and Sweet 6th Grade Graduation Speech

Dear fellow graduates, teachers, parents, and distinguished guests,

As we stand here on the cusp of middle school, I cannot help but feel a whirlwind of emotions. We have come a long way from our first day of elementary school, where we were eager to learn and make new friends. And now, as we prepare to embark on a new journey, I want to take a moment to reflect on our time together and express my gratitude.

The Lessons I've Learned

Throughout our elementary years, we have learned so much more than just the basics of reading, writing, and arithmetic. We've learned how to work together as a team, support each other in times of need, and to persevere when faced with challenges. We've learned the importance of kindness, respect, and empathy. These life lessons will stay with us forever and prepare us for the years to come.

Grateful for Teachers and Parents

None of us would be here today without the support of our teachers and parents. They have dedicated their time and efforts into providing us with the best possible education and guidance. They have supported us through every challenge, celebrated our successes, and encouraged us never to give up. On behalf of all my fellow graduates, I want to express our gratitude and thank you for being our role models.

Preparing for Middle School

As we look forward to middle school, we are excited for the new opportunities and experiences that await us. But we also know that it won't be easy. We will face more complex and challenging coursework and will have to take on more responsibility. However, we are ready for the challenge and will draw upon the lessons we've learned and the support of our teachers and parents to help us succeed.

Final Thoughts

Before I conclude, I want to take a moment to thank my fellow graduates. You have been my classmates, my friends, and my support system throughout elementary school. I'm grateful for the memories we've made together and excited to see what the future holds for each of us.

In closing, this is not a final goodbye but a new beginning. Let's embrace the new journey and make the most of our middle school years. Congratulations to my fellow graduates, and I wish you all the best in your future endeavors!


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