
zydadmin2023-10-20  68


1. The book was written by the famous author.

2. The package was delivered by the postal service.

3. The phone was answered by the receptionist.

4. The cake was baked by my grandma.

5. The car was fixed by the mechanic.

6. The letter was sent by the postman.

7. The solution was found by the scientist.

8. The poem was written by the student.

9. The decision was made by the committee.

10. The package was wrapped by the store clerk.

11. The game was won by the home team.

12. The exam was graded by the teacher.

13. The event was organized by the planner.

14. The project was completed by the team.

15. The mistake was made by the employee.

16. The dinner was cooked by the chef.

17. The story was told by the narrator.

18. The problem was solved by the engineer.

19. The photo was taken by the photographer.

20. The concert was performed by the musician.

21. The mistake was corrected by the editor.

22. The injury was treated by the doctor.

23. The movie was directed by the artist.

24. The award was won by the actor.

25. The question was answered by the expert.

26. The decision was influenced by the advice.

27. The review was written by the critic.

28. The picture was painted by the artist.

29. The loan was approved by the bank.

30. The goal was scored by the athlete.

31. The paper was written by the scholar.

32. The award was presented by the celebrity.

33. The election was won by the candidate.

34. The ticket was purchased by the customer.

35. The deal was negotiated by the agent.

36. The show was produced by the company.

37. The novel was written by the author.

38. The opinion was shared by the speaker.

39. The plan was developed by the team.

40. The product was marketed by the business.

41. The speech was given by the presenter.

42. The proposal was approved by the board.

43. The message was conveyed by the messenger.

44. The settlement was negotiated by the lawyer.

45. The investigation was conducted by the detective.

46. The agreement was signed by the parties.

47. The seminar was led by the expert.

48. The rumor was spread by the gossip.

49. The decision was based on the study.

50. The company was founded by the entrepreneur.

51. The press release was issued by the spokesperson.

52. The mistake was acknowledged by the employee.

53. The music was composed by the artist.

54. The question was raised by the participant.

55. The evidence was presented by the lawyer.

56. The event was celebrated by the community.

57. The task was completed by the team.

58. The award was granted by the organization.

59. The solution was suggested by the expert.

60. The job offer was accepted by the applicant.

61. The document was signed by the parties.

62. The contract was negotiated by the parties.

63. The story was inspired by the writer.

64. The painting was created by the artist.

65. The survey was conducted by the research team.

66. The procedure was followed by the employee.

67. The victory was celebrated by the team.

68. The announcement was made by the spokesperson.

69. The decision was opposed by the party.

70. The order was placed by the customer.

71. The project was funded by the investor.

72. The job was offered by the employer.

73. The event was attended by the guests.

74. The policy was implemented by the government.

75. The game was scheduled by the league.

76. The issue was addressed by the leader.

77. The problem was reported by the customer.

78. The message was received by the recipient.

79. The mistake was repeated by the employee.

80. The course was taught by the professor.

81. The bill was paid by the customer.

82. The loan was repaid by the borrower.

83. The book was recommended by the librarian.

84. The statement was released by the spokesperson.

85. The report was reviewed by the supervisor.

86. The decision was made by the manager.

87. The promotion was given to the employee.

88. The error was corrected by the technician.

89. The skill was learned by the student.

90. The recommendation was made by the consultant.

91. The arrangement was made by the host.

92. The recipe was created by the chef.

93. The claim was denied by the insurance company.

94. The permit was approved by the agency.

95. The request was granted by the authority.

96. The case was dismissed by the judge.

97. The conflict was resolved by the mediator.

98. The reservation was confirmed by the hotel.

99. The complaint was investigated by the company.

100. The payment was received by the merchant.


1. The famous author wrote the book.

2. The postal service delivered the package.

3. The receptionist answered the phone.

4. My grandma baked the cake.

5. The mechanic fixed the car.

6. The postman sent the letter.

7. The scientist found the solution.

8. The student wrote the poem.

9. The committee made the decision.

10. The store clerk wrapped the package.

11. The home team won the game.

12. The teacher graded the exam.

13. The planner organized the event.

14. The team completed the project.

15. The employee made the mistake.

16. The chef cooked the dinner.

17. The narrator told the story.

18. The engineer solved the problem.

19. The photographer took the photo.

20. The musician performed the concert.

21. The editor corrected the mistake.

22. The doctor treated the injury.

23. The artist directed the movie.

24. The actor won the award.

25. The expert answered the question.

26. The advice influenced the decision.

27. The critic wrote the review.

28. The artist painted the picture.

29. The bank approved the loan.

30. The athlete scored the goal.

31. The scholar wrote the paper.

32. The celebrity presented the award.

33. The candidate won the election.

34. The customer purchased the ticket.

35. The agent negotiated the deal.

36. The company produced the show.

37. The author wrote the novel.

38. The speaker shared the opinion.

39. The team developed the plan.

40. The business marketed the product.

41. The presenter gave the speech.

42. The board approved the proposal.

43. The messenger conveyed the message.

44. The lawyer negotiated the settlement.

45. The detective conducted the investigation.

46. The parties signed the agreement.

47. The expert led the seminar.

48. The gossip spread the rumor.

49. The study based the decision.

50. The entrepreneur founded the company.

51. The spokesperson issued the press release.

52. The employee acknowledged the mistake.

53. The artist composed the music.

54. The participant raised the question.

55. The lawyer presented the evidence.

56. The community celebrated the event.

57. The team completed the task.

58. The organization granted the award.

59. The expert suggested the solution.

60. The applicant accepted the job offer.

61. The parties signed the document.

62. The parties negotiated the contract.

63. The writer inspired the story.

64. The artist created the painting.

65. The research team conducted the survey.

66. The employee followed the procedure.

67. The team celebrated the victory.

68. The spokesperson made the announcement.

69. The party opposed the decision.

70. The customer placed the order.

71. The investor funded the project.

72. The employer offered the job.

73. The guests attended the event.

74. The government implemented the policy.

75. The league scheduled the game.

76. The leader addressed the issue.

77. The customer reported the problem.

78. The recipient received the message.

79. The employee repeated the mistake.

80. The professor taught the course.

81. The customer paid the bill.

82. The borrower repaid the loan.

83. The librarian recommended the book.

84. The spokesperson released the statement.

85. The supervisor reviewed the report.

86. The manager made the decision.

87. The employer gave the promotion.

88. The technician corrected the error.

89. The student learned the skill.

90. The consultant made the recommendation.

91. The host made the arrangement.

92. The chef created the recipe.

93. The insurance company denied the claim.

94. The agency approved the permit.

95. The authority granted the request.

96. The judge dismissed the case.

97. The mediator resolved the conflict.

98. The hotel confirmed the reservation.

99. The company investigated the complaint.

100. The merchant received the payment.


例如,一句使用被动语态的句子:“The package was delivered by the postal service.”可以改写为主动语态:“The postal service delivered the package.”这样的句子更加直接明了,更符合读者的口味。

在文章中,主动语态可以帮助文章更好地排名。不仅可以增强文章可读性,还可以增强文章的清晰度和可信度。例如,如果你写:“The problem was solved by the engineer.”,这是一句非常典型的被动句。但是,如果你改为主动语态:“The engineer solved the problem.”,这句话就更加清晰明了。在搜索引擎优化时,这样的文章排名更容易升高,因为使用了更加简单和直接的语言。



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