100句简单的英语句子(100 Simplified English Sentences - 100 Easy-to-Understand English Phrases)

zydadmin2023-10-20  72

100 Simplified English Sentences - 100 Easy-to-Understand English Phrases

Are you struggling to improve your English skills? Do you find it difficult to understand complex sentences or paragraphs? Don't worry, because in this article we will provide you with 100 simplified English sentences that are easy to understand.

Basic Sentences

1. My name is John.

2. I live in New York.

3. She works at a bank.

4. We are going to the park.

5. They ate pizza for dinner.

Questions and Answers

6. What is your favorite color? Blue.

7. When is your birthday? In May.

8. Where did you go yesterday? To the mall.

9. Who is your best friend? Sarah.

10. How old are you? 25.

Past Tense Sentences

11. I watched a movie last night.

12. She cooked dinner for us yesterday.

13. They visited their grandparents over the weekend.

14. He played soccer with his friends last Saturday.

15. We went on a road trip last summer.

Future Tense Sentences

16. I will study for my exam tomorrow.

17. She is going to travel to Europe next month.

18. They will buy a new car next year.

19. He is planning to start a new job next week.

20. We will celebrate Christmas with our family next month.


21. The weather is hot today.

22. She looked beautiful in her red dress.

23. The cake tasted sweet and delicious.

24. The dog was big and friendly.

25. The book was interesting and informative.


26. He ran quickly to catch the bus.

27. She spoke softly to the baby.

28. The car drove slowly on the icy road.

29. We ate dinner early yesterday.

30. They arrived late for the meeting.

Expressions of Time

31. Yesterday was Monday.

32. Today is Tuesday.

33. Tomorrow will be Wednesday.

34. It is currently 3 o'clock in the afternoon.

35. The concert starts at 7:30 pm.


36. The cat is under the table.

37. She is sitting beside her sister.

38. The picture is hanging above the couch.

39. The dog is running towards the park.

40. We are walking through the forest.


41. The elephant is bigger than the rabbit.

42. She is shorter than her brother.

43. The car is faster than the bicycle.

44. He is stronger than his friend.

45. The apple is sweeter than the lemon.

Commands and Requests

46. Please clean your room.

47. Don't forget to bring your umbrella.

48. Come to the party with us.

49. Stop talking and listen to me.

50. Open the window, it's hot in here.


51. I don't like coffee.

52. She doesn't play basketball.

53. They didn't go to the concert.

54. He isn't feeling well today.

55. We aren't going to the beach this weekend.

Phrasal Verbs

56. I need to take off my coat.

57. She is looking for her keys.

58. They ran into their old friend at the mall.

59. He is trying to give up smoking.

60. We should put on some sunscreen.


61. It's a piece of cake.

62. It's raining cats and dogs.

63. Don't count your chickens before they hatch.

64. Don't put all your eggs in one basket.

65. You can't judge a book by its cover.


66. Actions speak louder than words.

67. An apple a day keeps the doctor away.

68. Rome wasn't built in a day.

69. If the shoe fits, wear it.

70. Laughter is the best medicine.

Common Contractions

71. I'm (I am) going to the store.

72. He's (He is) tall and handsome.

73. It's (It is) time to go home.

74. They're (They are) my best friends.

75. We're (We are) having a great time.

Slang Words and Phrases

76. Hey, what's up? (Hello, how are you?)

77. That's sick, man. (That's really cool, dude.)

78. I'm beat, let's call it a night. (I'm tired, let's go home.)

79. Let's chill at my place. (Let's hang out at my house.)

80. You're such a bummer. (You're really depressing to be around.)


81. FYI (For Your Information)

82. ASAP (As Soon As Possible)

83. LOL (Laugh Out Loud)

84. BTW (By The Way)

85. OMG (Oh My God)

Technical Terms

86. Database

87. Algorithm

88. Cybersecurity

89. Code

90. Encryption

Common Acronyms

91. NASA (National Aeronautics and Space Administration)

92. FBI (Federal Bureau of Investigation)

93. NATO (North Atlantic Treaty Organization)

94. ATM (Automated Teller Machine)

95. CEO (Chief Executive Officer)

Geographical Names

96. London is the capital of England.

97. The Grand Canyon is located in Arizona.

98. The Great Barrier Reef is in Australia.

99. The Sahara Desert is in Africa.

100. Mount Everest is the highest mountain in the world.

Now that you have familiarized yourself with 100 simplified English sentences, you can start using them in your everyday conversations and learning more complicated sentences in no time!


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