得不到支持的句子(以更好地表达 How to Rewrite a Headline That Doesn't Cut It)

zydadmin2023-11-02  50


As an writer, one of the most challenging aspects of your job is crafting attention-grabbing headlines. However, sometimes you might come up with a headline that does not seem to generate enough attention or fails to get the support you were hoping for. That's when you know it's time to rehash the headline and give it a makeover. In this article, we'll be discussing some tips and tricks you can use to rewrite a headline that doesn't cut it.

What Makes A Headline Good?

Before we dive into the art of rewriting headlines, it's crucial to understand what makes a great headline. An excellent headline should be specific, attention-grabbing, and relevant to the target audience. It should also communicate the primary benefit of the content and create curiosity. The headline should be short, ideally under ten words, and use powerful words to evoke emotion and interest.

Why A Headline May Fail?

There are various reasons why a headline may not cut it. Firstly, the headline may be too vague and lack specifics. Secondly, the headline may not reflect the primary benefit a reader would get from the content. Thirdly, the headline may lack a strong call-to-action. Lastly, the headline may not be relevant to your target audience.

How To Rewrite A Headline That Doesn't Cut It?

Here are some strategies you can use to rewrite a headline that fails to attract attention:

1. Use Numbers and Statistics

Using numbers and statistics in your headlines can help attract attention and make your content appear more credible. For example, instead of using a headline like, "How to Lose Weight," you can rephrase it to "5 Scientifically Proven Ways to Lose Weight."

2. Use Power Words

Power words are words that evoke emotion and interest and can pique the reader's curiosity. Some examples of power words include "proven," "astonishing," and "secret." Using these words can help make your headlines stand out and grab attention.

3. Add A Benefit to The Headline

Adding a benefit to the headline can help make the content more enticing. For example, instead of using a headline like, "How to Write Better," you can rephrase it to "How to Write Better and Fast and Boost Your Career."

4. Ask A Question

Asking a question in the headline can help create curiosity and spark interest in the content. For example, instead of using a headline like, "Tips for Better Public Speaking," you can rephrase it to "Are You Tired of Nervousness? Here are Tips to Speak Confidently in Public."

5. Make It More Specific

If your headline is too general, it might not attract much attention. Therefore, rephrasing it to be more specific can help grab the reader's attention. For example, instead of using a headline like, "How to Make More Money," you can rephrase it to "10 Simple Tweaks to Triple Your Income in a Month."


Writing effective headlines is crucial for any writer. But sometimes, even with the best efforts, headlines fail to get the attention they deserve. By using strategies like adding a benefit, asking questions, making the headline more specific, using power words, and using numbers and statistics, you can rehash your headlines and give them a makeover. The key is to keep experimenting with different headlines and analyzing how they perform, so you can continue to improve your headline writing skills.


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