摆渡人英文句子(A sentence from The Ferryman The ferryman true job was to help those who needed)

zydadmin2023-11-06  48


In the novel "The Ferryman", the main character is a ferryman whose job is to help people cross over to the other side. However, his true purpose goes beyond just guiding people over the river. This article will explore the true job of the ferryman and how it relates to the characters in the story.

The Ferryman's Role

The ferryman's true job is to serve as a guide to those who are struggling to overcome a difficult situation or transition in their lives. In the story, he helps protagonists Ben and Aiden overcome the grief of losing their younger sister, Orla. He also helps people cross over to the afterlife, providing them with comfort and guidance during their final moments.

The Significance of the River

The ferryman's role is closely tied to the river that he crosses. The river symbolizes the divide between life and death, as well as the dividing line between the present and the past. The ferryman's job is to help people make the transition across this divide, providing them with the support and guidance they need to move forward.

The Characters' Journeys

The characters in "The Ferryman" all make important journeys across the river with the ferryman. Ben and Aiden, in particular, have to overcome the grief of losing their sister and come to terms with their emotions. By crossing the river, they are able to move on from their pain and begin to heal.

The Ferryman's Wisdom

The ferryman is a wise and compassionate figure who helps his passengers by listening to their stories and offering advice. He has a deep understanding of the human experience and is able to provide comfort and guidance to those who need it most. Through his wisdom, he helps people come to a greater understanding of themselves and the world around them.


In "The Ferryman", the ferryman's true job is to guide others across the divide, whether it be the divide between life and death or the divide between the present and the past. His role is significant in helping characters overcome their struggles and find peace. The story is a reminder that there are always guides out there to help us on our own journeys across the rivers in our lives.


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