
zydadmin2023-12-10  58


Proper table manners are essential, not just for formal occasions, but also for everyday meals. Good table manners reflect your upbringing and respect for others. Many people view good table manners as a sign of sophistication and elegance. In this article, we will discuss the English standards of table etiquette.

Seating Arrangement

English etiquette dictates a few rules for seating arrangements when dining. It's common for the host to be seated at the head of the table. Guests of honour should be seated to the right of the host, while spouses and partners sit to the left. Seating arrangements for other guests can be determined by their relationship to the host or guest of honour.

The Place Setting

An English table setting usually consists of a bread plate, a water glass, a wine glass, and three pieces of silverware, including a fork, knife, and spoon. The fork is placed on the left while the knife and spoon are on the right. The blade must face inward towards the plate and the fork must face downwards. The bread plate and water glass are usually placed above the knife and spoon, respectively. The wine glass is placed to the right of the water glass and can also be positioned above the knife and spoon.

Serving Food

When serving food at the table, the host should serve the guest of honour first, followed by the other guests in a clockwise direction. The host should also serve themselves after serving all the guests. Food should be passed around the table to the right, with dishes being placed in the centre of the table and passed from person to person. It is important never to reach across the table to grab dishes or utensils, but rather to ask someone to pass them.

Eating Etiquette

When eating, it is important to remember not to talk with your mouth full of food. It is also important to use utensils instead of your hands, and to cut the food into small bites instead of taking big mouthfuls. Never put your elbows on the table, and always keep your posture upright. Remember to take small sips of water or other beverages during the meal, rather than gulping down large amounts at once. If there are multiple courses, wait for everyone to finish each course before continuing.


English table etiquette is based on respect and civility towards others, which is reflected in these rules. Following these rules shows respect for the host, guests, and the occasion. Good table manners also contribute to a pleasant and enjoyable dining experience.


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