
zydadmin2023-12-10  66

What is the difference between declarative and imperative mood in English?

The declarative and imperative mood are two fundamental grammatical concepts in the English language. Understanding the difference between these two moods can greatly improve your communication skills and help you to write more effective articles. In this article, we will discuss the meaning of declarative and imperative mood and their differences.

Declarative Mood

Declarative mood is used to make statements or declarations about a subject. It is the most common mood in the English language. In declarative mood, the subject of the sentence is followed by a verb that agrees with it in tense and number. For example:

"John is going to the store."

Here, the subject is "John" and the verb is "is going". This sentence simply states that John is going somewhere. It does not give any commands or express any emotions.

Imperative Mood

The imperative mood is used to give orders or commands. It is used to tell someone what to do or what not to do. The subject of the sentence is often left unexpressed in imperative mood. Imperative sentences usually start with a verb, and the subject is implied.

"Shut the door!"

This sentence gives a direct and clear command to shut the door. The word "you" is not necessary to convey the meaning of the sentence.

Differences between Declarative and Imperative Mood

One of the main differences between declarative and imperative mood is the purpose of the sentence. Declarative mood is used to make statements or give information, while the imperative mood is used to give commands or make requests. Declarative mood simply states a fact, without any emotional emphasis. Imperative mood, on the other hand, conveys the speaker's direct and urgent desire for action to be taken.

In terms of structure, declarative sentences usually have a subject-verb-object order, while imperative sentences often omit the subject and start with a verb. In declarative mood, the verb matches the subject in tense and number, while in imperative mood, the verb is often in the base form (infinitive) or the second person singular or plural form.


Declarative and imperative are two essential grammatical moods in the English language. Declarative mood is used to make statements or give information, while imperative mood is used to give orders or commands. Understanding the nuances and differences between these moods can greatly improve your communication and writing skills.


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