
zydadmin2023-12-27  42


In today's world, English proficiency has become increasingly important, especially for those who plan to study or work abroad. One of the most widely recognized English language proficiency tests is the International English Language Testing System (IELTS). To achieve a higher score in the writing test, one must master the skills of using commonly used IELTS sentence structures and phrases.

The importance of IELTS writing test

The IELTS writing test is one of the four sections that make up the IELTS exam, making up for 50% of the marks. Therefore, mastering the skills of writing with commonly used IELTS sentence structures and phrases could potentially make a significant difference to your overall IELTS scores. Moreover, the writing test assesses proficiency in four different areas - grammar, vocabulary, coherence, and task response.

Common sentence structures

To excel in the writing test, one should be familiar with the commonly used sentence structures in IELTS essays. One such sentence structure is the "if-then" sentence structure. For example, "if governments invest in renewable energy, then the world's carbon emissions will decrease." Another commonly used sentence structure is the "not only...but also" sentence structure. "Not only is English a widely spoken language, but it is also the language of international business."

Common phrases

Apart from sentence structures, mastering common phrases could also boost your IELTS writing scores. One commonly used phrase is "as a result," which is useful when indicating the outcome of a particular action. For example, "Due to high pollution levels, the government has implemented stricter environmental regulations. As a result, air quality has improved significantly."

Another useful phrase is "in conclusion," which signals the end of an essay. It is essential to summarise the key points of an essay in the conclusion and emphasise the importance of the topic. For instance, "In conclusion, the government should take more proactive measures to reduce carbon emissions. It is our responsibility to protect the environment and ensure a sustainable future for generations to come."


In summary, mastering commonly used IELTS sentence structures and phrases can potentially make a significant difference to your IELTS writing scores. Therefore, it is crucial to invest time and effort in practising these skills. By doing so, you will be able to present coherent and well-structured essays, demonstrating your ability to communicate effectively in English.


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