
zydadmin2024-02-01  222


Yo, Yo, Yo, it's your birthday, let's celebrate today,

Another year under your belt, and you're still looking great,

Been grinding all year long, you deserve a break,

So sit back, relax and enjoy the music we make.

On this special day, I've got some words to say,

You're more than just a friend, you're family I must say,

You're always there when I need, even in the darkest of days,

Your kindness and your love, it truly never fades.

Let's raise a glass and make a toast,

To the person we love the most,

The one who always brings a smile,

And stays with us for a long while.

May your birthday be everything you need,

And may all your dreams come true with speed,

You're the light in our lives, the one who leads,

And we wish you all the happiness in life that you need.

So, here's wishing you a hip, hip, hoorah,

May you have a blast and never a flaw,

May your birthday be awesome, we're here to draw,

The curtain and reveal a new year, free from any claw.

With this rap, I wish you the happiest of birthdays,

May your year be filled with love, joy and all the great craze,

You truly deserve all the happiness in life, without any delays,

So, let's party all night long, and raise the roofways.


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