
zydadmin2024-02-12  55


Love is a beautiful thing that makes our hearts melt. Sometimes expressing our love can be tricky, especially when we want to use the most romantic words to express our feelings. If you are looking for the most romantic and ancient Chinese love phrases to express your love, then you're in the right place. Here, we have compiled a list of the most romantic ancient Chinese love phrases that will melt your lover's heart.

The Most Romantic Ancient Chinese Love Phrases

1. 山水有相逢,人间最相知。

Translation: In the mountains and rivers, we meet each other and become the closest in the world.

2. 长相思,才子佳人,两情若是久长时,又岂在朝朝暮暮。

Translation: However far apart we are, my thoughts always fly to you. If we stay together for all time, we will never be apart again.

3. 水调歌头,满庭芳,竹簟低铺,绿酒初醒。

Translation: With a melody of water, the fragrance fills the air, bamboo mats for bedding, green wine to awaken us.

4. 众里寻他千百度,蓦然回首,那人却在灯火阑珊处。

Translation: In a crowd, I kept looking for him everywhere, then suddenly found him in the dim light of the lamp.

5. 一笑解千愁,百花羞万重。

Translation: One smile can dispel a thousand worries, and make even a hundred flowers feel shy.


There you have it, the most romantic ancient Chinese love phrases that will make your lover's heart flutter. These expressions of love have been used for centuries and continue to be utilized in modern times because of their enduring romanticism. Try them out and see how your lover responds- it will warm your heart to hear them recite them back to you!


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