
zydadmin2024-03-01  42


Learning English is becoming increasingly important in today’s globalized world. As a result, software developers are creating more and more resources to help young learners start their English language journey from an early age. This article will introduce some popular English learning software for children in grades 1-6.

1. ABCmouse

ABCmouse is a comprehensive learning program that provides a full English language curriculum for children aged 2-8. It includes numerous interactive games, videos, and other materials that can be used to teach young learners the basics of reading, writing, and English language speaking. ABCmouse is perfect for children in grades 1-6 who are just starting their English language learning journey.

2. Rosetta Stone Kids Lingo Word Builder

Rosetta Stone Kids Lingo Word Builder is specifically designed for young children aged 3-7 who are learning English as a foreign language. It uses game-based learning to make language learning fun and engaging for young learners, and includes over 500 English words and phrases that are divided into thematic categories. This makes it an ideal learning resource for children in grades 1-6 who are interested in building their English language vocabulary.

3. Timmy’s First Words in English

Timmy’s First Words in English is a language-learning app designed for children aged 6 and under. Its focus is on teaching children basic English vocabulary through a series of interactive games and activities. The app features cute animations and engaging sound effects that help make learning fun for young children. This app will be perfect for children in grades 1-6 who may need more help in basic vocabulary acquisition.

4. Duolingo

Duolingo is one of the most popular language learning apps in the world. While not specifically designed for children, its gamified learning approach works well for learners of all ages. Duolingo’s English course has lessons that cover a range of topics from basic vocabulary to more advanced grammar, which make it suitable for children in grades 1-6 who want to improve their English language proficiency.

5. Lingokids – English for Kids

Lingokids is an English language learning app designed specifically for children aged 2-8. Its content is carefully crafted to meet kids’ language learning needs and interests. Lingokids’ lessons are organized around themes and include interactive songs, games, and exercises that help children learn language quickly and easily. This app is a great resource for children in grades 1-6 who are looking for a fun and effective way to learn English.


There are many English learning software options available for children in grades 1-6. Whether your child is a complete beginner or already has some English language knowledge but needs to improve further, there is always a software program that will meet their learning needs. The key is to find an English learning program that fits your child’s interests and learning style, so they are motivated to learn and enjoy the process of learning English.


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