
zydadmin2024-03-01  32

1 to 10 in English

Numbers are fundamental in the English language, and every beginner should master them early on. In this article, we will take a closer look at the numbers 1 to 10 and how to use them in different contexts.

The Numbers

Let's start by listing the numbers from 1 to 10:

1 - One

2 - Two

3 - Three

4 - Four

5 - Five

6 - Six

7 - Seven

8 - Eight

9 - Nine

10 - Ten

Usage in Contexts

The numbers 1 to 10 are used in various contexts such as time, quantity, counting, and phone numbers.


When telling time, we use the numbers 1 to 12. For example:

It's one o'clock. (1:00)

It's half past two. (2:30)

It's ten minutes to three. (2:50)


When referring to quantities, we use the numbers 1 to 10. For example:

I have three apples. (3)

She only has five dollars. (5)

The teacher gave us ten questions to answer. (10)


When counting objects, we use the numbers 1 to 10. For example:

There is one cat in the room. (1)

She has two dogs and three cats. (5)

There are ten students in the classroom. (10)

Phone Numbers

When giving phone numbers, we use the numbers 0 to 9. For example:

The phone number is 555-1234. (555-1234)

My cellphone number is 123-4567. (123-4567)


Learning the numbers 1 to 10 is essential for beginners in the English language. By mastering these numbers, learners can effectively communicate in various contexts, from telling time to giving phone numbers.


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