
zydadmin2024-03-01  33

1 to 12: How to Write Them in English

As beginners, counting from 1 to 12 may seem easy. However, when it comes to writing them in English, some people may find it a bit confusing. In this article, we will guide you on how to write 1 to 12 in English.

1 to 5

First, let's start with the simplest numbers, 1 to 5. In English, they are spelled as follows: one, two, three, four, and five. Remember to use the numeral "1" for "one" and the numeral "2" for "two."

6 to 9

Moving on to numbers 6 to 9, they are spelled as follows: six, seven, eight, and nine. Notice that the spelling of "eight" has a "g" while "nine" does not have a "u" after the "n."

10 to 12

The numbers 10, 11, and 12 are a bit different compared to the previous ones. They are spelled as follows: ten, eleven, and twelve. Notice that "eleven" has two "e's," and "twelve" starts with "t-w" rather than "t-w-e."

A Few Tips

To avoid any confusion when writing numbers, it is important to remember a few tips. First, always write the numeral for numbers 13 and above. For example, write "13" instead of "thirteen."

Second, when writing a range of numbers, use a hyphen to separate them. For example, instead of writing "from 1 to 5," write "from 1-5."

Lastly, when writing decimals, use a period instead of comma as a decimal separator. For example, write "3.14" instead of "3,14."


In conclusion, learning how to write numbers in English is not difficult, but it requires some attention to detail. By following the tips above, you can ensure that your written work is clear, concise, and easy to understand. Happy writing!


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