
zydadmin2024-03-01  44

1 to 12: How to Write the Numbers in English

If you are learning English, it is important to know how to write the numbers correctly. In this article, we will go through the numbers 1 to 12 and give you tips on how to write them in English.

1. One

One is the easiest number to write in English. It is simply written as "1".

2. Two

To write two, you start with a curve at the top and then add a straight line underneath that curves slightly to the right. It looks like this: "2".

3. Three

With three, you start with a curve at the top and then add two curves underneath that both go to the right. It looks like this: "3".

4. Four

Four is written by starting with a straight line that curves to the right at the top. Then you add another straight line that goes down and to the right, and then a curve that goes back to the left. Finally, you add a straight line at the bottom. It looks like this: "4".

5. Five

To write five, you start with a curve at the top and then add a straight line that goes down and curves to the right. Then you add another straight line that goes down and to the left, and finally a horizontal line at the bottom. It looks like this: "5".

6. Six

With six, you start with a curve at the top and then add a straight line that goes down and to the right. Then you add another straight line that goes down and to the left, and finally a horizontal line at the bottom that connects the two. It looks like this: "6".

7. Seven

Seven is written by starting with a horizontal line that curves slightly downward on the left side. Then you add a vertical line that goes down and meets the curve. Finally, you add a diagonal line that goes from the bottom of the vertical line and curves slightly upwards to meet the top of the horizontal line. It looks like this: "7".

8. Eight

To write eight, you start with a curve at the top and then add a vertical line that goes down to the bottom. Then you add another curve that goes from the bottom left to the top right. Finally, you add a horizontal line at the bottom that connects the two curves. It looks like this: "8".

9. Nine

With nine, you start with a small curve at the top, and then add a straight line that goes down to the left. Then you add a curve that goes to the right and meets back up with the straight line. Finally, you add a vertical line that goes down from the middle of the curve. It looks like this: "9".

10. Ten

Ten is written by adding a straight line and a curve together to form a "1" and then adding a zero after it. It looks like this: "10".

11. Eleven

Eleven is written by putting a "1" and a "1" together. It looks like this: "11".

12. Twelve

To write twelve, you put a "1" and a "2" together. It looks like this: "12".

Now that you know how to write the numbers 1 to 12 in English, you are one step closer to mastering the language. Keep practicing and soon you will be able to write and speak English fluently!


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