
zydadmin2024-03-01  34

How to Write a 500-1500 Word Article with a 40-Word Limit


As an SEO editor, you may encounter the challenge of writing an article with a limited word count. It can be tough to capture all the necessary information in just a few sentences, especially when trying to optimize for search engine rankings. In this guide, we’ll provide tips on how to craft a 500-1500 word article with a 40-word limit that’s both informative and SEO-friendly.

Choose a Focused Topic

When working with a limited word count, it’s critical to choose a topic with a specific focus. Instead of trying to cover a broad subject, narrow down your content to a single aspect. For example, if you’re writing about “fitness,” focus on one type of workout or one aspect of health. This approach allows you to provide depth and detail within a limited space.

Create an Eye-Catching Title

In the modern digital landscape, attention spans are shorter than ever before. Creating a title that’s both informative and eye-catching is critical to engaging readers and boosting your rankings. Use action words and descriptive language to entice potential readers, while also including relevant keywords that appeal to search engines.

Outline Your Content

Before you begin writing, create an outline to organize your thoughts and ensure you stay on track. Your outline should include an introduction, main points, and a conclusion. Each point should be related to your focused topic, providing specific and relevant information.

Focus on Quality over Quantity

While the word count is important, it’s critical to focus on the quality of your content over the quantity. Rather than including extraneous details or repurposing information from other articles, focus on providing original, valuable insights that engage readers and provide unique perspectives.

Incorporate SEO Best Practices

As an SEO editor, it’s critical to incorporate best practices for optimizing your content. Use relevant keywords in your title, introduction, and throughout your article. Additionally, use header tags (H2, h2) to improve readability and break up your content. Finally, include internal and external links to boost your rankings and provide additional sources of information.


In conclusion, it’s possible to craft a high-quality, SEO-friendly article with a limited word count. By choosing a focused topic, creating an eye-catching title, outlining your content, focusing on quality over quantity, and incorporating SEO best practices, you can create an article that engages readers and ranks well in search results.


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