
zydadmin2024-03-01  85

What is the Correct Way to Write "June 8th" in English?

When it comes to writing dates, it's important to follow the correct format to avoid confusion. In the United States, dates are usually written in the following format: month/day/year. So, how should you write "June 8th" in English?

The Correct Format for Writing "June 8th"

To write "June 8th" in English, you should write it as "June 8" or "June 8th" without the ordinal suffix. The reason for this is that in American English, the ordinal suffix is usually omitted when writing the date. So, you should avoid writing "June 8th, 2021" and instead write "June 8, 2021".

Other Tips for Writing Dates in English

Here are some additional tips to keep in mind when writing dates in English:

Always write the month as a word, not as a number. For example, write "June" instead of "6".

Use a comma to separate the day and year. For example, "June 8, 2021".

When abbreviating the month, always use the first three letters of the month. For example, "Jun" for June.


In conclusion, writing dates correctly in English is important to avoid confusion and misinterpretation. To write "June 8th" in English, simply write it as "June 8" or "June 8th" without the ordinal suffix. Remember to always write the month as a word, use a comma to separate the day and year, and abbreviate the month using the first three letters. Now that you know how to write dates correctly, you can avoid any confusion and impress others with your attention to detail!


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