
zydadmin2024-03-01  57

How to Write an 80-Word English Article?

Writing an English article in 80 words can be a challenge, but with careful planning and execution, it is possible to create a concise and compelling piece of content. In this article, we will provide some tips and tricks on how to write an 80-word English article.

1. Focus on One Main Idea

The key to writing a successful 80-word article is to focus on one main idea. You need to determine the main message you want to convey and stick to it. Avoid adding unnecessary information that can make the article longer and less effective. Keep it simple and straightforward.

2. Use Short Sentences and Simple Words

When writing an 80-word article, you need to be mindful of the words and sentences you use. Use short sentences and simple words to convey your message. Avoid using complex vocabulary and jargon that readers may not understand.

3. Write a Strong Headline

The headline is the first thing readers will see when scrolling through your article. Make sure it is attention-grabbing and accurately portrays the content of the article. Use active voice and power words to make it compelling.

4. Use Bullet Points

Bullet points are a great way to break up text and make it easier to read. They also help convey information quickly and efficiently. Use them to highlight key points and important information in your article.

5. Proofread and Edit

Before publishing your 80-word article, make sure to proofread and edit it. Check for spelling and grammar errors and ensure that the article flows smoothly. Read it aloud to ensure it makes sense and conveys the message you intended.


Writing an 80-word English article may seem like a daunting task, but it is achievable with careful planning and execution. Remember to focus on one main idea, use short sentences and simple words, write a strong headline, use bullet points, and proofread and edit your work. By following these tips, you can create a concise and effective piece of content that engages your audience.


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