
zydadmin2024-03-01  27

Why 8 is an Important Number in SEO

When it comes to SEO, numbers can play a crucial role in determining the success of a website's search engine rankings. While there are many numbers that are important in SEO, there is one number that stands out above the rest: 8.

The Importance of the Number 8 in Keywords

Keywords are the backbone of SEO, and the number of keywords used in a website's content can impact its ranking. According to research, using eight keywords per page is the ideal amount to achieve optimal search engine rankings. This is because search engines use algorithms that analyze content for relevance, and eight keywords provide a sufficient amount of data for algorithms to recognize the content's relevancy to the user's search query.

The Power of the Number 8 in Meta Descriptions

Meta descriptions are the brief snippets of text that appear under a website's title on search engine results pages. Using eight words in meta descriptions has been shown to be the most effective length to generate clicks from users. This is because eight words provide enough information to entice the user to click on the link, while also being concise enough to quickly convey the website's purpose.

The Impact of the Number 8 in Backlinks

Backlinks are links from other websites that lead to a website's content, and they play a significant role in SEO. Research has shown that eight backlinks from high-quality websites can significantly improve a website's search engine rankings. This is because search engines use backlinks as a way to determine the quality and relevance of a website's content; therefore, having eight backlinks from reputable sites provides strong evidence that the website's content is authoritative and relevant.

The Role of the Number 8 in URL Structure

URL structure is another critical component of SEO, and having a clean and concise URL can positively impact a website's search engine rankings. Using eight words or less in a URL has been shown to be the most effective length. This is because shorter URLs are easier to read and remember for users, and search engines also prioritize websites with concise and relevant URLs.


While there are many numbers that play a role in SEO, the number 8 stands out as a particularly important number. From keyword density to meta descriptions, backlinks, and URL structure, using eight as a guideline can help improve a website's search engine rankings and drive more traffic to the site.


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