
zydadmin2024-03-05  49

How to Praise Children: Encouraging the Growth Mindset

When it comes to raising children, praising them is an important part of building their self-esteem and confidence. However, not all forms of praise are created equal. Praising children for their hard work and effort instead of solely focusing on their innate abilities can help foster a growth mindset. Here are some tips on how to effectively and genuinely praise children.

1. Praise the Process

One of the best ways to praise children is to focus on the process instead of the outcome. Instead of solely praising a child for getting a good grade on a test, acknowledge the effort they put into studying and preparing for the test. This helps children realize that their hard work and effort are directly correlated to their successes.

2. Specific Praise

When praising children, it’s important to be specific about what they did well. Rather than just saying “good job,” try to pinpoint exactly what they did that was commendable. For example, instead of saying “good job playing soccer,” say “you did a great job dribbling the ball and passing it to your teammates.” This helps children understand what they did well and what they can continue to work on.

3. Praise the Character Trait

Praising children for their character traits can be incredibly powerful. Instead of solely praising a child for being smart, praise them for being curious, determined, or creative. This helps children understand that their effort and attitude will ultimately lead to their success, rather than just their innate abilities.

4. Encourage a Growth Mindset

When praising children, it’s important to encourage a growth mindset. Instead of praising them for being naturally talented, praise them for their hard work and effort. This helps them understand that their abilities can grow and develop over time. For example, instead of saying “you’re so good at math,” say “you worked really hard to understand that concept, and your effort paid off.”

5. Sincere and Genuine Praise

Lastly, when praising children, it’s important to be sincere and genuine in your praise. Children can often detect insincere praise, which can lead to them feeling disingenuous. Instead, look for genuine moments to praise them and let them know you’re proud of them. This helps children understand that their hard work and effort are valued.


Praising children is an integral part of helping them develop healthy self-esteem and confidence. Focusing on the process, being specific, praising character traits, encouraging a growth mindset, and offering sincere praise are all effective ways to help children feel valued and encouraged to continue growing and learning.


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