
zydadmin2022-04-18  61

I'm a deformed girl, Sometimes I think about why God doesn't take my life

away. 下面就是小编给大家带来的英文诗歌,希望能帮助到大家!

Fluttering Feeling 1

My heart has thissome sort of fluttering feeling

that will only pausewhen your voice comes into my mind

You smile so brilliantly against the sunshine

Let me tell you a secret:

Your smile has captured my heart


your voice appeared in my dream

So deep, so calm, so charming

That every sound on Earth disappeared

The second I heard your voice

When will this fluttering feeling stop?

I sometimes do wish for it to go

for my once peaceful and quiet life

has already gone the moment I saw your smile

Fake 2


don't cry

but never fine

people want the bright

finally who know my mind

i wanna get the peace quite

i don't wanna have fake and lie

do you know how pain to realize hide

all the character was broken in my eyes

all of your attitude let me disapoint

i see what is important clearly of mine

warm wind(暖风)3

Like the gentle wind when the sunny weather always hope (像晴朗天气时的温柔的风


The children meet with the future full of youthful spirit of the future

with a confident smile(朝气蓬勃的孩子 带着自信的微笑 迎接着未来的未来)

When the sun is just rising shade leaves suffused with a bit of light

(当太阳刚升起的时候 遮荫的树叶泛着点点的光)

Called the ocean shore line rolled up waves (名为海洋的岸边线上 卷起了浪花)

The fragile sand castle built do not know what to make it strong?

(用沙子筑成的易碎城堡 不知道用什么才能让它坚固)

The heart of the dream slowly clear (心里的梦想 慢慢开始清晰)

Hidden in the cocoon butterfly total needed to break up on the outside of

the yoke (藏着茧中的蝴蝶 总需要打碎在外面的枷锁)

Cut down your prison break free (剪破束缚 挣脱禁锢自己的囚笼)

My faith will be reborn (我的信仰 将获得新生)

I think you are alone 4

I think you are alone,

in space and time is short.


I never heard of "solitary" is the word,

but do not know its meaning,

when you can understand the word,

know what loneliness is really true.

I think you are lonely,

in proper age missing people who don't want to miss.

I think you are lonely,

muddy path in the Park,

bustling crowds,

lonely sadness doesn't only belong to one person.

At this moment,

even I think you,

is lonely.

Teenage years are stubborn to grow up,

grew up on everything,

can do what he pleases,

even against doing things not to do.

But when the faces slowly changing,

perhaps even not clear traces on his face.

More grow up more sad,

more unhappy than the adolescent years,

is found in today's life,

more and more are against.


is more straightforward when he was young and,

in line with the heart.

Often heard sister complain about life,

whether it's people both inside and outside the siege,

told me to be realistic,

don't wait for that elusive love,

garage is now love.

I could not answer.

I think a lifestyle choice is to choose the meaning of life,

what is the correct answer to the meaning of life,

who can say, and no one,

but is their own choice.

I like to see Slavic Milosz's poem,

often read filled with moving,

for the meaning of life,

just lightly,

not everyone has such a high degree.

In the early hours of field work,

looked up and could see the blue sky and the white sails of the sea,

do not envy others,

for this world everything he wants to occupy.

I think that such a life that he's happy,

but he cannot escape from loneliness.

Shen Cong-Wen in the border town said such a word in the inscription "one

remembered so much unfortunately,

know too much and unfortunately,

experience has, unfortunately,

too many things.

"After seeing Tracy love,

I am confused, I think the experience of a person,

or to remember to know something good,

otherwise the rest is not so bleak.

Now it seems that is not confused,

sad lonely way to Miss someone is really unfortunate.

I knew love hard,

why to love so much.

I think I'm lonely,

shouting after the victory moments I thought I was alone,

in the twilight in the far lane;

I thought I was alone,

day and night,

land and streams,

are so lonely.

If one can continue the life 5

If one can continue the life

Si Han

If one has been able to continue the life,so life there will be no


If in all his life love can make fixathion hearts always regard,that must

be very grateful to each other.

If I can get a weak voice in the last moment of my life,I want to say a

word that I still love you and I'm still with you.

The reason why I love you in thousands of miles. That is because I

care,care and care forever.

Winter ends up,spring is coming.

To eagerly look forward to seeing dear lover,can only put own trapping into

my dream at night.

Miss ,miss and miss for all my life.That would rather wonder,wonder and

wonder at the empty lonely night .You will not be forgotten inthe coner of


























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