
zydadmin2024-03-12  45

1. Hello and Goodbye

2. How are you?

3. What is your name?

4. Where are you from?

5. Nice to meet you

6. I need help

7. Can you please repeat that?

8. Sorry, I don't understand

9. What time is it?

10. Thank you very much

Hello and Goodbye

Saying hello and goodbye is a basic manner in any language. In English, people usually say "hello" when they meet someone or "goodbye" when they leave. It is important to use these words to show courtesy and respect.

When saying hello, you can also use other greetings such as "hi", "hey" or "good morning/afternoon/evening". It is also common to ask "how are you?" as a polite way of initiating conversation.

When it's time to leave, you can say "goodbye" or "bye". Other ways to say goodbye include "see you later", "take care", or "have a good day/night".

How are you?

As mentioned earlier, "how are you?" is a common greeting in English. People usually respond with "I'm good, thanks" or "I'm fine, how about you?". Asking about their well-being is a good conversation starter.

It is also possible for someone to say "not so good" or "I'm having a bad day". In such cases, you can offer some encouragement or support. Saying something like "I'm sorry to hear that" or "let me know if there's anything I can do to help" can show that you care.

What is your name?

Knowing someone's name is important for building relationships. In English, introductions usually involve asking for someone's name. It is common to say "Hi, my name is [name], what's your name?" or "What's your name?".

Asking for someone's name can also be useful when you meet someone again and forgot their name. You can politely ask, "I'm sorry, I forgot your name, can you remind me?"

Where are you from?

People often ask "where are you from?" as a way of getting to know someone on a deeper level. It can also be helpful for initiating conversation.

Someone might answer with the name of their country, city, or state. It's also possible for someone to respond by saying they're from multiple places or that they're not sure where they're from.

Nice to meet you

After introducing yourself or meeting someone for the first time, it's appropriate to say "nice to meet you". It's a polite way to acknowledge the introduction and express that you'd like to get to know them better.

You can also say "It was great meeting you" or "I'm glad we had the chance to meet". These phrases can be useful for ending a conversation or saying goodbye.

I need help

When you're unsure about something or need assistance, it's okay to ask for help. In English, you can say "I need help" or "Can you help me, please?".

If someone is offering help, you can say "Thank you so much, I really appreciate it". In cases where you're unable to get help or the person can't assist you, it's important to remain polite and express gratitude for their effort.

Can you please repeat that?

It's normal to ask someone to repeat what they said when you didn't hear them clearly or didn't understand. It's better to ask for clarification than to assume you heard correctly. Saying "Can you please repeat that?" or "I'm sorry, I didn't catch that" is perfectly acceptable.

When someone repeats what they said, it's polite to show that you understood by saying "Thank you, I got it now" or "I understand, thanks for explaining".

Sorry, I don't understand

If someone says something you're unfamiliar with, don't be afraid to ask for an explanation. Saying "Sorry, I don't understand" or "I'm not sure what you mean" is perfectly okay.

It's also common for people to use jargon or technical terms that you don't know. In such cases, you can ask them to explain what the term means or if they can use simpler language.

What time is it?

Knowing the time is important for scheduling appointments or keeping track of your day. When asking for the time, you can say "What time is it?" or "Do you have the time?".

It's important to note that time is usually given using the 12-hour clock system in English. To clarify whether it's morning or evening, people usually say "AM" or "PM" after the time.

Thank you very much

Lastly, expressing gratitude is a part of basic manners. Saying "thank you" is a way of showing appreciation for something someone has done for you.

You can also say "thank you very much", "thanks a lot", or "I really appreciate it". These phrases can be used when someone has completed a task for you, given you a gift, or done something kind.


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