
zydadmin2024-03-13  46

20 Common English Greetings: How to Say Hello in English

Hi and Hello

When meeting someone for the first time, saying "hi" or "hello" is always a good start. These words are simple, friendly, and widely understood in English-speaking countries.

Good Morning and Good Afternoon

Depending on the time of day, you can also use more specific greetings like "good morning" or "good afternoon." These phrases show respect and politeness in formal situations.

Hey There

"Hey there" is a casual and informal way of saying hello to someone you know well. It is often used among friends and peers.


"Howdy" is a regional greeting commonly used in Southern United States. It is derived from the phrase "how do ye," which was used by Scottish immigrants in the 1800s.

What’s Up and Wazzup

"What's up" and "wazzup" are popular informal greetings used among friends and coworkers. They are often accompanied by a head nod or wave.

Good Evening

"Good evening" is another formal greeting that is commonly used in professional settings. It is a bit more formal than "hello" or "hi."


"Greetings" is a more formal way of saying hello and can be used in professional or academic settings. It is often used in written communication.


"Salutations" is a formal greeting that is often used in written communication or in formal speeches. It is often used to show respect or honor.


"Namaste" is a traditional Hindu greeting that is commonly used in India and among yoga practitioners. It is often accompanied by a slight bow and the palms pressed together.

Bonjour and Hola

If you want to show off your language skills, you can say "bonjour" (French) or "hola" (Spanish) when greeting someone. These words mean "hello" in their respective languages.


"Yo" is a very casual and informal greeting that is often used among friends or acquaintances. It can come across as impolite in more formal situations.


"G'day" is a common greeting used in Australia and New Zealand. It is short for "good day."


"Aloha" is a traditional Hawaiian greeting that is often used to welcome visitors to the islands. It is also used in other parts of the Pacific Islands.


"Konnichiwa" is a formal greeting in Japanese that is used during the day time. It means "good day" or "hello."


"Salaam" is a traditional Muslim greeting that means "peace be upon you." It is often accompanied by a handshake or hug.


"Ciao" is an Italian word that means "hello" or "goodbye." It is commonly used in Italy and other parts of Europe.


"Shalom" is a Hebrew word that means "peace." It is often used as a greeting among Jewish people.

Kia ora

"Kia ora" is a Maori greeting commonly used in New Zealand. It means "be well" or "be healthy."

Hello, How Are You?

Finally, one of the most common greetings in English is "hello, how are you?" It is a polite way to start a conversation and shows that you are interested in the other person's well-being.


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