
zydadmin2024-03-13  32

My favorite hobby

As a sixth-grader, I have many hobbies to choose from. However, my favorite hobby is reading. I can spend countless hours lost in a good book.

Why I love reading

Reading allows me to escape into different worlds and lose myself in imaginary adventures. It also helps me improve my vocabulary and comprehension skills. Every time I finish a book, I feel a sense of satisfaction and pride.

My favorite books

One of my favorite book series is Harry Potter. I love the magical world that J.K Rowling created and the complex characters she developed. Another book that I enjoyed was Wonder by R.J. Palacio. It taught me the important lesson that despite our differences, we should treat everyone with kindness and respect.

How reading helps me in school

Reading has helped me improve my grades in other subjects as well. It has helped me develop better writing skills and an understanding of different writing styles. Through reading, I have also learned about different cultures and historical events.

Encouraging others to read

I believe that everyone should read and make it a habit. Parents can encourage their kids to read by reading to them every night or signing them up for book clubs. Schools can organize reading challenges and events to promote reading. By encouraging others to read, we can all gain a deeper understanding of the world around us and improve our literacy skills.


Reading has become an essential part of my life and I love how it has broadened my knowledge and imagination. It is a hobby that I know I will continue to enjoy and benefit from throughout my life.


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