
zydadmin2024-03-14  38


As an editor, one of the crucial aspects of our job is using the right language. In this article, we will discuss the different ways to express "should" in English. Using the right language not only makes our writing clearer but also helps us convey our intended meaning effectively.

Modal Verbs of Obligation

In English, "should" is one of the modal verbs of obligation. It is commonly used to express an obligation or duty, but not a requirement, to do something. For instance, "You should always wear a helmet when riding a bike" or "I should call my mother more often." Using "should" emphasizes the importance of the obligation but does not necessarily compel one to act.

Conditional Phrases

Another way of expressing "should" in English is through conditional phrases. For example, "If you study hard, you should pass the exam." Here, "should" means that success is possible, but not guaranteed. Using "should" in conditional sentences also softens the imperative tone and makes the statement more polite.


"Should" can also be used to make recommendations. For example, "You should try the fish at this restaurant. It's excellent." When "should" is used in this context, it suggests a strong suggestion or preference. The speaker is not obligated to follow the recommendation, but it is highly recommended.

Avoiding "Should"

In some cases, using "should" may not always be the best option. For example, it may be more effective to use "must" or "need to" if there is a legal obligation to do something. Additionally, using "should" in a negative context can come across as judgmental or accusatory.


In summary, "should" is a modal verb of obligation that is commonly used in English. It can be used to express an obligation or duty, as well as make recommendations. However, it's essential to use the right language in the right context to avoid miscommunication and unnecessary conflicts. As editors, we should always keep this in mind and use language that is clear and effective.


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