
zydadmin2024-03-15  126

Coordinating Constructions: Enhancing Your Writing with Parallelism and Coordination

In the world of writing, it's important to create engaging prose that captures the reader's attention and communicates your ideas effectively. One approach to making your work more interesting and powerful is using parallelism and coordination. These techniques allow you to create sentences with a rhythm and flow that keeps readers engaged and can help drive your point home.


Parallelism is the repetition of a grammatical structure that has the same form but different content. This technique is especially useful for making contrasts or comparisons between ideas, and it can help you create more balanced and effective sentences. Consider the following example:

Incorrect: I like to run, play video games, and watching TV.

Correct: I like running, playing video games, and watching TV.

In the corrected sentence, all three verbs are in the same form, making the sentence more rhythmic and creating a better flow. As a result, the sentence is easier to read and understand.


Coordination is the linking of words or phrases that have equal grammatical weight in a sentence. This technique helps create clear and concise sentences that convey your ideas more effectively. Consider the following example:

Incorrect: I bought some books, and they were expensive, and I couldn't afford them.

Correct: I bought some expensive books that I couldn't afford.

In the corrected sentence, the two ideas are combined, making the sentence shorter and more to the point. This technique is especially useful when you want to emphasize different parts of a sentence, or when you're trying to convey a complex idea in a more concise way.

Using Parallelism and Coordination Together

By using parallelism and coordination together, you can create sentences that are even more effective and engaging. Consider the following example:

Incorrect: The company needs to reduce costs, increase efficiency, and to promote innovation.

Correct: The company needs to reduce costs, increase efficiency, and promote innovation.

In this corrected version, parallelism is used to create a rhythmic structure, while coordination helps link the three ideas and make the sentence more concise. By using these techniques together, you can create sentences that are easier to read, remember, and understand.

Tips for Using Coordinating Constructions

- Use parallelism and coordination to create sentences with a rhythm and flow.

- Combine ideas using coordination to create more concise sentences.

- Use parallelism to make contrasts or comparisons between ideas.

- Use parallelism and coordination together for even more effective sentences.

- Remember to proofread to make sure your sentences are grammatically correct and easy to understand.


By using coordinating constructions in your writing, you can create powerful sentences that capture your readers' attention and convey your ideas more effectively. Whether you're using parallelism or coordination, you can use these techniques to create sentences that are more balanced, concise, and clear. So take some time to practice using coordinating constructions in your writing, and see how these techniques can transform your prose into engaging pieces of art.


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