
zydadmin2024-03-16  44


As an editor, it is important to understand the various components of a well-written article. One vital component is the use of a well-crafted and properly placed object clause or, more commonly known as, the objective clause or the subordinate clause.

What is an objective clause?

An objective clause is a group of words that function as a noun clause, acting as the direct object or indirect object of a verb. The clause usually starts with words such as "that," "whether," "what," and "if," and it typically contains a subject and predicate.

Examples of objective clauses

Here are some examples of objective clauses:

I believe that he is coming.

The teacher asked us whether we had done our homework.

The company is uncertain what to do next.

We are curious if they will attend the meeting.

How to use objective clauses in writing

Objective clauses can be used in various ways in writing. Here are some ways in which you can use an objective clause:

As the main point of an article. If your article is about a new product or service, you can use an objective clause as the main point. For example, "The new product is sure to revolutionize the way we work."

To support the main point of an article. If your article is about the benefits of a particular product or service, you can use an objective clause to support your main point. For example, "Customers have reported better productivity since they started using the new software."

To introduce a new point in an article. If you want to introduce a new point in your article, you can use an objective clause to do so. For example, "While the current system is effective for some companies, it may not be the best solution for others."

To summarize an article. If you want to summarize the main points of your article, you can use an objective clause to do so. For example, "In conclusion, it is clear that the benefits of the new product far outweigh the costs."


Using objective clauses in your writing can enhance the readability and effectiveness of your articles. By using them appropriately, you can guide your readers to understand your message and persuade them to take action.


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