小学生必背英语句子(Essential English Sentences for Primary School Students)

zydadmin2024-03-19  41

Small Steps to Big Learning: Essential English Sentences for Primary School Students - A Must-Learn Compilation

One of the most important subjects to learn in school is the English language. It is a universal language used all over the world that allows us to communicate effectively with people from different countries and cultures. As a primary school student, it is essential that you learn basic English sentences that you will use in your everyday life. Here is a must-learn compilation of essential English sentences for primary school students.

Greetings and Introductions

Greetings are an important part of our social interactions. Learning how to greet someone in English is a great way to start practicing your English skills. Here are some essential English sentences for greetings and introductions:

Hello! My name is [name]. What's your name?

Hi! How are you?

Nice to meet you.

Good morning/afternoon/evening!

How do you do?

Asking and Answering Questions

Asking and answering questions is a basic skill in English communication. Knowing how to ask and answer questions is essential for effective conversations. Here are some essential English sentences for asking and answering questions:

What's your favorite color/animal/food?

Do you like [something]? Yes, I do/No, I don't.

How old are you?

Where are you from?

Can you speak English?

Expressing Opinions and Feelings

Being able to express your opinions and feelings is an important part of effective communication. Here are some essential English sentences for expressing opinions and feelings:

I like/dislike [something].

I feel [emotion] because [reason].

In my opinion, [opinion statement].

It makes me happy/sad/angry when [situation].

I think [something] is [adjective].

Making Requests and Giving Permission

Learning how to make requests and give permission is a basic English skill. Here are some essential English sentences for making requests and giving permission:

Can I have [something], please?

May I use the restroom?

Can I borrow [something]?

Do you mind if I [verb]?

Yes, you may/No, you may not.


Learning essential English sentences is a small step to big learning. These basic English sentences will help you in your everyday communication, and they are the foundation of more complex English learning. As a primary school student, it is essential that you learn these sentences and practice your English skills regularly. With persistence and hard work, you can improve your English skills and become proficient in the English language.


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