
zydadmin2024-03-24  29

How to Use Plural English Abbreviations

As a writer or editor, you may come across the need to use plural English abbreviations in your writing. Using abbreviations can help keep your writing concise and save space, but knowing how to form the plural of these abbreviations can be confusing. In this article, we'll explore the rules for forming the plural of English abbreviations.

General Rule for Forming Plural English Abbreviations

The most common way to form the plural of English abbreviations is to simply add an "s" at the end of the abbreviation. For example:

CDs (Compact Discs)

DVDs (Digital Video Discs)

MP3s (MPEG Audio Layer 3)

However, there are some exceptions to this rule. For example, if the abbreviation ends with an "s," you would use an apostrophe and a second "s" to form the plural:

RSVPs (Répondez s'il vous pla?t)

SOSs (Save Our Souls)

UFOs (Unidentified Flying Objects)

Abbreviations Ending with a Vowel Y

When an abbreviation ends with a vowel and a "y," you would simply add an "s" at the end of the abbreviation:

POVs (Points of View)

FAQs (Frequently Asked Questions)

Abbreviations Ending with a Consonant Y

When an abbreviation ends with a consonant and a "y," you would change the "y" to an "i" and add "es" to form the plural:

WMDs (Weapons of Mass Destruction)

SOPs (Standard Operating Procedures)

Abbreviations Ending with a Double Letter

When an abbreviation ends with a double letter, you would simply add an "s" to form the plural:

BBs (Bouncing Betties)

DDs (Distinguished Flying Crosses)


Knowing how to form the plural of English abbreviations can help improve the clarity and conciseness of your writing. As a general rule, you can add an "s" to the end of the abbreviation to form the plural. However, there are some exceptions to this rule, such as abbreviations that end with an "s" or double letters. By following these guidelines, you can use plural English abbreviations with confidence in your writing.


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