
zydadmin2024-03-27  34


Gu Yu, also known as Grain Rain, is the sixth of the 24 solar terms in the Chinese lunar calendar. It usually falls between April 19 and 21 each year and marks the end of spring and the beginning of summer. During this period, the temperature rises, and rainfall increases, making it an essential time for planting crops.

Origin of Gu Yu

The origin of Gu Yu can be traced back to ancient China when farmers relied on the lunar calendar to determine the best time for sowing and harvesting. Gu Yu means "rain of the millet," reflecting the fact that this period is crucial for nurturing millet. Back then, it was believed that the dragon king, who controls the rain, would wake up during this time and bring rain to the parched land.

Customs and Traditions

During Gu Yu, people have various customs and traditions to celebrate the arrival of summer and the abundant rainfall. One of the most well-known activities is bathing in the river, which is believed to cleanse people of diseases and bad luck. Another practice is drinking realgar wine, made by soaking realgar, a type of mineral powder, in rice wine. It is said to ward off evil spirits and diseases.

Food and Cuisine

Gu Yu is also a time for delicious and healthy seasonal foods. One popular dish is qingtuan, a kind of glutinous rice ball stuffed with sweet bean paste, and colored with mugwort or parsley. Another traditional food is eggs boiled with tea leaves, which turns the eggshells into a beautiful, marbled pattern. Moreover, during Gu Yu, people also eat more fresh vegetables and fruits, such as lettuce, spinach, cherries, lychees, and apricots.


Gu Yu is a significant solar term that reflects the close relationship between humans and nature. With the arrival of Gu Yu, farmers are busy planting crops and preparing for the upcoming harvest. People celebrate this time with various customs, food, and activities, all of which contribute to a unique and diverse Chinese culture.


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