
zydadmin2024-03-31  28

How to Write Your Birthdate in English?

As an SEO editor, I know the importance of using dates in articles. However, some people may not know how to write their birthdate in English. In this article, I will guide you on how to write your birthdate in English.

Format of Writing Birthdate in English

In English-speaking countries, the date format is usually written as Month-Day-Year or Day-Month-Year. For example, if your birthday is on June 30th, 2000, you can write it as 06/30/2000 or 30/06/2000. Both formats are correct, but it depends on the preference of your audience.

Ordinal Numbers

When writing the day of your birthdate, it is important to use ordinal numbers. Ordinal numbers are numbers that indicate position or order. For example, June 1st is written as 1st June, and not June 1. The same goes for other dates such as 2nd, 3rd, 4th, and so on.

Using Commas and Hyphens

When writing your birthdate, you can use commas or hyphens to separate the month, day, and year. For example, you can write June 30, 2000, or June-30-2000. Both formats are acceptable, but commas are more commonly used in formal writing.

Writing Birthdate in Words

Another way to write your birthdate is by using words. For example, June 30, 2000, can be written as “thirtieth of June, two thousand.” This format is commonly used in formal documents such as passports and legal contracts. However, it is not common to use this format in everyday writing.

In conclusion, writing your birthdate in English is simple as long as you follow the correct format. Whether you use the Month-Day-Year or Day-Month-Year format, be sure to use ordinal numbers and separate the date with commas or hyphens. If you need to write your birthdate in words, make sure to use the correct phrase and avoid using it in informal writing.


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