关于桂林的句子(Discover the Scenic Beauty of Guilin)

zydadmin2024-03-31  37


Guilin is a stunning city in the Guangxi Zhuang Autonomous Region located in southern China. Surrounded by breathtaking natural beauty, this city attracts millions of tourists every year. The picturesque landscape, serene rivers, and limestone karsts make Guilin an unforgettable experience.

Limestone Mountains of Guilin

Guilin has more than 300 limestone mountains that offer a spectacular view to its visitors. The limestone mountains have been shaped by millions of years of rain and erosion, giving them their unique look. The most famous limestone mountains are found along the Li River, where the scenery has become a symbol of Guilin's natural beauty.

Li River Cruise

A Li River Cruise is one of the most popular activities in Guilin. The crystal-clear waters of the Li River and the stunning karst scenery create an unparalleled setting for a relaxing river cruise. The cruise also offers visitors a chance to see the countryside, take a closer look at the towering limestone cliffs, and take in the stunning natural beauty that Guilin has to offer.

Elephant Trunk Hill

One of Guilin's most iconic symbols is the Elephant Trunk Hill. This hill is located at the confluence of Peach Blossom and Li River and has a shape that resembles an elephant drinking from the river. The hill is a popular spot for tourists to take photographs and is a must-see attraction when visiting Guilin.

Longji Rice Terrace

The Longji Rice Terrace is located in the Longsheng County of Guilin City and is one of the most magnificent rice terraces in China. The terraces cover the hillsides and create a stunning scene that is absolutely breathtaking. The rice fields have been in existence since 1272 and are a testament to the ingenuity and hard work of the Chinese people.


Guilin is a unique and beautiful city that offers visitors an unforgettable experience. The limestone mountains, the Li River, the Elephant Trunk Hill, and the Longji Rice Terrace are just a few examples of the beauty that Guilin has to offer. There is no doubt that a visit to Guilin will be a trip of a lifetime and will leave visitors with unforgettable memories.


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