
zydadmin2024-04-01  115

20 Rules of Traffic and 100 Essential English Traffic Vocabulary Words

Knowing the traffic rules is not only important for driving safely on the road but also for passing your driving test. Here are the top 20 traffic rules you must know:

1. Follow the speed limit

Speed limits are usually posted on the side of the road or on nearby signs. Going over the speed limit not only puts you at risk for a ticket but increases your chances of being in an accident.

2. Wear your seatbelt

A seatbelt is an essential safety component in any vehicle. It not only protects you but also your passengers in case of a collision.

3. Use your turn signals

Before changing lanes or turning, use your turn signals to alert other drivers of your intentions. This helps to prevent confusion and reduce the risk of accidents.

4. Obey traffic signals

Red means stop, yellow means slow down, and green means go. It's crucial to obey traffic signals to avoid accidents and traffic violations.

5. Yield to pedestrians

When pedestrians are crossing the road, always yield to them. It's important to make eye contact and wait for them to cross safely.

6. Don't drink and drive

Driving under the influence of drugs or alcohol is not only illegal but also extremely dangerous. It impairs your ability to react quickly and can lead to deadly accidents.

7. Keep a safe distance

Always maintain a safe following distance between your vehicle and the vehicle in front of you. This allows you time to react in case of sudden stops or changes in traffic.

8. Stay in your lane

Always stay in your designated lane unless you need to change lanes. Swerving in and out of lanes can cause accidents and create hazards for other drivers.

9. Observe right-of-way rules

When approaching an intersection, adhere to right-of-way rules. Stop signs, yield signs, and traffic lights all dictate who has the right-of-way at any given time.

10. Don't text and drive

Texting or using your phone while driving is extremely dangerous. It takes your eyes off the road and reduces your reaction time, putting you and others in danger.

11. Use your headlights

Use your headlights in conditions of low visibility, such as at night or in the rain. This makes it easier for you to see the road and for others to see your vehicle.

12. Merge smoothly

Merging onto a highway or into traffic requires smooth and safe driving. Always signal your intentions and match the speed of the traffic before merging.

13. Slow down in work zones

Work zones are often marked with reduced speed limits and construction workers present. It's important to slow down and proceed with caution in these areas to keep everyone safe.

14. Check your blind spots

Blind spots are areas around your vehicle that cannot be seen through your mirrors or windows. Always check your blind spots before making maneuvers on the road.

15. Follow distance guidelines

When following large vehicles, such as trucks or buses, use the recommended follow distance. This allows enough room to see in front of the vehicle and react to any sudden movements.

16. Check for bicyclists

Always keep an eye out for bicyclists on the road. They are smaller and may be harder to see, so take extra caution when driving around them.

17. Don't run red lights

Running a red light is not only dangerous but also illegal. Wait for the green light before proceeding through an intersection.

18. Passing procedures

When passing another vehicle, always use your turn signals and look for a clear passing zone. Never pass on the right side of the road unless it's a designated passing lane or necessary for your safety.

19. Yield to emergency vehicles

When you hear sirens or see emergency vehicles with their lights on, pull over and yield to them. They have the right-of-way and are on their way to an emergency situation.

20. Keep your cool

Being patient and keeping a level head while driving can help you avoid accidents and stress. Stay calm in difficult situations and remain focused on the road.

Now that you're familiar with the top traffic rules, here are some essential English traffic vocabulary words you need to know:

1. Accelerate

To increase speed

2. Brake

To reduce speed or stop the vehicle

3. Bumper

The front or back protective metal or plastic part of a car

4. Carpool

To share a ride with others using one vehicle

5. Crosswalk

A marked path for pedestrians to cross the road

6. Detour

A temporary route used to avoid road construction or closures

7. Highway

A major road with multiple lanes and high speeds

8. Intersection

The place where two or more roads meet

9. Lane

A designated area of the roadway for traffic

10. Merge

To blend into traffic from another lane

11. Pedestrian

A person walking on the sidewalk or crosswalk

12. Railroad crossing

A place where a road intersects with railway tracks

13. Red light

A traffic light indicating stop

14. Road sign

A sign on the side of the road that provides information to drivers

15. Roundabout

A circular intersection where traffic flows around a center island

16. Speed limit

The maximum legal speed allowed on a road

17. Stop sign

A sign at an intersection indicating to stop before proceeding

18. Traffic jam

A congestion of vehicles on the road

19. Yield sign

A sign at an intersection indicating to give the right-of-way to other traffic

20. Zebra crossing

A pedestrian crossing marked with black and white stripes

By understanding these traffic rules and vocabulary, you can drive safely and confidently on the road. Remember to always follow the rules and stay alert while driving.


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