
zydadmin2024-04-01  75

How to Pronounce the Word "Cry" in English


As an SEO writer, it's important to understand the correct pronunciation of words you use in your articles. In this article, we'll be talking about how to pronounce the word "cry" in English.

What does "cry" mean?

"Cry" is a verb that means to shed tears, usually due to sadness, pain, or other strong emotions. It can also mean to make a loud noise, such as an animal's howl or a baby's wail.

How to Pronounce "Cry"

The word "cry" is pronounced as "krai" in English. The "c" is pronounced as a "k" sound, and the "y" is pronounced as an "ai" diphthong. You can listen to the pronunciation of "cry" on online dictionary websites like Merriam-Webster or Oxford Learner's Dictionaries.

Common Phrases with "Cry"

There are many phrases in English that use the word "cry" as a verb. Here are a few examples:

- Cry out: to shout or scream loudly

- Cry for help: to call for assistance in a desperate situation

- Cry over spilt milk: to be upset about something that cannot be changed

- Cry oneself to sleep: to cry until falling asleep

Different Meanings of "Cry"

While "cry" is most commonly used as a verb to express emotions, it can also be used as a noun and have different meanings. For example:

- Battle cry: a loud shout or chant used in warfare

- A cry for justice: a demand for fairness and equality in society

- A cry of pain: a sound or expression made when experiencing physical discomfort


Pronouncing words correctly is crucial when writing SEO articles, and "cry" is just one example of a word that can be mispronounced. Remember to practice pronunciation and always double-check the correct pronunciation before using a word in your writing.


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