
zydadmin2024-04-02  36

How to Write "Animal" in English and Fun Facts About Animals

As an SEO writer, knowing how to spell common words in English is crucial. "Animal" is a common word that you should know how to spell and use in your writing. Animal is spelled as A-N-I-M-A-L in English, and it is defined as a living organism that feeds on organic matter.

Fun Facts About Animals

Animals come in different shapes, sizes, and behaviors. Here are some fun facts about animals that you may not know:


1. The blue whale is the largest mammal on earth.

2. Platypuses are one of the only mammals that lay eggs instead of giving birth to live young.

3. Sloths only defecate once a week.

4. Bats are the only mammal that can fly (not counting flying squirrels that glide).


1. Ostriches can run faster than horses.

2. Penguins have knees.

3. Hummingbirds can flap their wings up to 80 times per second.

4. Canadian geese can fly up to 1,500 miles in a day during migration.

Reptiles and Amphibians

1. Lizards can grow new tails when threatened or attacked.

2. Chameleons can change their skin color to blend in with their surroundings.

3. Salamanders can regenerate missing limbs.

4. Some snakes can eat prey larger than their heads.


1. The electric eel can generate an electric shock up to 600 volts.

2. The clownfish and sea anemone have a mutualistic relationship, where they help each other survive.

3. Male seahorses can become pregnant and give birth to live young.

4. Some species of fish can change their sex from female to male or vice versa.


1. Octopuses have three hearts.

2. Bees can recognize human faces.

3. Spiders can spin webs that are stronger than steel.

4. Some jellyfish are immortal and can regenerate their cells indefinitely.

These are just a few fun facts about animals, and there are many more to discover. Next time you are writing about animals, remember to use "animal" correctly in your writing and enjoy learning more about these fascinating creatures.


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