
zydadmin2024-04-03  36

Words 1-100: How to Spell Them in English

If you are learning English or working on improving your spelling skills, knowing how to spell the first 100 words in English can be a great starting point. Here is a list of the 100 most commonly used words in English with their correct spellings:

First 10 words:

1. the, 2. and, 3. a, 4. to, 5. in, 6. that, 7. is, 8. for, 9. it, 10. of

These words are used so frequently in English that they are referred to as “function words”. They are used to create basic sentence structures and convey grammatical relationships between words. As such, it is essential to master their spellings if you want to improve your proficiency in English.

Words 11-25:

11. was, 12. with, 13. be, 14. on, 15. not, 16. he, 17. I, 18. this, 19. are, 20. or, 21. his, 22. from, 23. they, 24. by, 25. at

After mastering the first ten words, it is time to move on to the next 15 words. These words are also used frequently in English and are essential to build good vocabulary skills.

Words 26-50:

26. but, 27. we, 28. an, 29. your, 30. which, 31. do, 32. one, 33. their, 34. all, 35. has, 36. there, 37. been, 38. who, 39. now, 40. him, 41. when, 42. up, 43. into, 44. more, 45. no, 46. any, 47. out, 48. other, 49. so, 50. what

These words are commonly used in both oral and written communication. Knowing how to spell them will help you avoid spelling errors in your writing and be more confident in your English communication skills.

Words 51-75:

51. do, 52. if, 54. has, 54. her, 55. up, 56. two, 57. about, 58. would, 59. who, 60. can, 61. make, 62. then, 63. like, 64. him, 65. time, 66. will, 67. know, 68. no, 69. get, 70. well, 71. than, 72. think, 73. which, 74. good, 75. them

The words from 51 to 75 are also essential in both oral and written communication. They add complexity to sentence structures and can help you express your thoughts more clearly in English.

Words 76-100:

76. see, 77. other, 78. than, 79. then, 80. now, 81. look, 82. only, 83. come, 84. its, 85. over, 86. think, 87. also, 88. back, 89. after, 90. use, 91. two, 92. how, 93. our, 94. work, 95. first, 96. well, 97. way, 98. even, 99. new, 100. want

The final 25 words on the list are also commonly used in English. By learning how to spell them correctly, you can further enhance your communication skills.

In conclusion, knowing how to spell the first 100 words in English can help you build a strong foundation in the language and improve your vocabulary skills. So, keep practicing and mastering these words to become more proficient in English.


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