
zydadmin2024-04-04  52

Passing Stranger: How to Write "过客" in English

When it comes to translating Chinese poetry and literature, one of the most challenging aspects is finding the right words to convey the nuances and layers of meaning in each character. "过客" (guò kè) is a perfect example of this. In English, there are several translations that can be used to approximate its meaning. Here, we will explore some of the most common ways to write "过客" in English.

1. Passing Stranger

"Passing stranger" is perhaps the most common translation of "过客." It encapsulates the idea of someone who is passing through, a wanderer or traveler who is only briefly present. This translation is often used in poetry to convey a sense of transience, impermanence, and the fleeting nature of life.

For example, in "Journey to the West," one of the Four Classics of Chinese literature, the main character Sun Wukong encounters many "过客" on his journey. They are all temporary figures who help him in his quest but then disappear without a trace.

2. Transient Visitor

"Transient visitor" is another common translation of "过客." It conveys the same sense of impermanence and ephemerality as "passing stranger." However, it also has a slightly more formal and literary feel to it. This translation might be more appropriate for use in academic or formal writing.

3. Passing Guest

"Passing guest" is another possible translation of "过客." This phrase has a warmer, friendlier feel to it than "passing stranger" or "transient visitor." It implies that the person is a welcomed guest, even if only for a short time. This translation might be more appropriate for use in a context where hospitality or welcome is important.

4. Temporary Resident

"Temporary resident" is a more literal translation of "过客." It captures the sense of being a resident or inhabitant, but only temporarily. This translation might be more appropriate for use in a legal or administrative context, where precision and accuracy are paramount.


There are several ways to write "过客" in English, each with its own nuance and connotation. Whether you choose "passing stranger," "transient visitor," "passing guest," or "temporary resident," the key is to select a translation that accurately conveys the meaning and mood of the original Chinese character.


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