
zydadmin2024-04-05  51


Pinyin (拼音) is the official system used in China to transcribe Mandarin Chinese sounds into a Western-style alphabet. It is a useful tool for language learners to improve their pronunciation. However, it can be quite confusing for beginners to understand the different sounds associated with each pinyin letter. In this article, we will introduce you to a complete Pinyin pronunciation chart.

Initials (声母)

The Pinyin chart is divided into two parts: initials and finals. Initials, or shengmu (声母), are consonant sounds that start a syllable. For example, the sound “b” in “ba” is an initial. There are 23 initial sounds in Mandarin Chinese, and they can be further categorized into three groups: unvoiced, voiced, and nasal.

Unvoiced initials: b, p, m, f, d, t, n, l, g, k, h.

Voiced initials: j, q, x, zh, ch, sh, r, z, c.

Nasal initials: m, n.

Finals (韵母)

Finals, or yunmu (韵母) in Chinese, represent the vowel and final consonant sounds of a syllable. There are a total of 36 finals, which can be further divided into six categories: simple finals, compound finals, nasal finals, retroflex finals, rhotic finals, and neutral finals.

Simple finals: a, o, e, i, u, ü.

Compound finals: ai, ei, ui, ao, ou, iu, ie, üe, er.

Nasal finals: an, en, in, un, ün.

Retroflex finals: er.

Rhotic finals: ier.

Neutral finals: a, o, e.

Pronunciation tips

Here are some tips that can help improve your Mandarin Chinese pronunciation:

1. Practice speaking with Pinyin regularly. Listen to native speakers, and try to mimic their sounds.

2. Pay special attention to the tones, which represent the pitch contour of each syllable. There are four tones in Mandarin Chinese: flat, rising, falling-rising, and falling.

3. Learn the related rules of pronunciation, such as initial-consonant and final-vowel combinations.

4. Note that some Pinyin sounds do not exist in English. For example, the “ü” sound requires you to shape your lips into a small circle.

5. Practice listening and speaking in varied situations and environments to improve your overall comprehension and pronunciation.


The Pinyin chart is an essential tool for Chinese language learners to master the pronunciation of Mandarin Chinese sounds. Focus on practicing the correct sounds and tones, and understand the relationships between the initials and finals. Remember to enjoy the journey of learning Chinese pronunciation, and practice regularly to make progress.


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