
zydadmin2024-04-05  77

Seven Grade Unit 2 Vocabulary List

As a student in seventh grade, learning new words is an essential part of the curriculum. In Unit 2, we have learned a variety of new words related to our daily lives. In this article, we will discuss the different words taught in this unit and their meanings.

Common Words

The first set of words we learned in Unit 2 are words that we commonly use in daily life. These include words like 'applaud', 'congratulate', 'disgust', 'gloom', and 'sorrow'. Applaud is a verb that means to show approval or praise by clapping hands. Congratulate is a verb that means to express pleasure in someone's success or good luck. Disgust is a noun that means a strong feeling of dislike or disapproval. Gloom is a noun that means partial or total darkness. Sorrow is a noun that means a feeling of deep distress caused by loss or disappointment.

Words that Describe People

We also learned words that describe people in Unit 2, such as 'arrogant', 'humble', 'naughty', 'obedient', and 'polite'. Arrogant is an adjective that means having an exaggerated sense of one's importance or abilities. Humble is an adjective that means having a modest or low estimate of one's importance. Naughty is an adjective that means badly behaved or disobedient. Obedient is an adjective that means willing to obey. Polite is an adjective that means showing good manners towards others.

Words that Describe Feelings

The third set of words we learned in Unit 2 are words that describe various feelings that we experience. These include words like 'anxiety', 'calm', 'delighted', 'terrified', and 'timid'. Anxiety is a noun that means a feeling of worry, nervousness, or unease about an uncertain outcome. Calm is an adjective that means not showing or feeling nervousness, anger, or other strong emotions. Delighted is an adjective that means feeling or showing great pleasure or satisfaction. Terrified is an adjective that means experiencing intense fear or terror. Timid is an adjective that means showing a lack of courage or confidence.

Words that Describe Actions

The final set of words we learned in Unit 2 are words that describe various actions we do. These include words like 'astonish', 'confess', 'criticize', 'entertain', and 'protest'. Astonish is a verb that means to surprise or amaze someone greatly. Confess is a verb that means to admit or acknowledge something that one has done wrong. Criticize is a verb that means to indicate the faults of someone or something. Entertain is a verb that means to provide someone with amusement or enjoyment. Protest is a verb that means to express strong objection or disapproval against something.

In Conclusion

Learning new words is an important part of building our vocabulary and enhancing our communication skills. Unit 2 introduced us to a broad range of words related to different aspects of our lives. Understanding the meanings of these words and how to use them in context is crucial for successful communication. By using these words in our day-to-day conversations, we can expand our vocabulary and communicate effectively with others.


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