
zydadmin2024-04-06  72

Weather Forecast: English Daily Expressions

Weather is one of the most unpredictable aspects of our daily lives. It affects everything from our clothes to our travel plans. In order to plan our day, it is important to understand the weather forecast. Here are some commonly used English expressions related to weather.

1. Talking About the Weather

When you meet someone, the first topic of discussion is often the weather. Here are some useful expressions to initiate a conversation about weather:

"What's the weather like today?"

"It's a beautiful day, isn't it?"

"I love this weather!"

"I wish it would stop raining."

"Do you think it will snow tomorrow?"

2. Describing the Weather

When describing the weather, it is important to use the correct vocabulary. Here are some commonly used adjectives to describe weather conditions:

"Sunny" - when the sun is shining

"Cloudy" - when there are clouds in the sky

"Rainy" - when it is raining

"Stormy" - when there is thunder and lightning

"Snowy" - when it is snowing

"Windy" - when there is a strong wind

3. Talking About Temperatures

Temperatures vary depending on the time of year and location. Here are some useful expressions to talk about temperatures:

"It's hot / cold / warm / cool today."

"The temperature is above / below freezing."

"It's a perfect day for a picnic."

"I need to wear a jacket today."

"The heat is unbearable today."

4. Using Weather Idioms

Idioms are phrases that have a different meaning than the individual words. Here are some commonly used weather idioms:

"Under the weather" - feeling sick

"Break the ice" - to start a conversation

"Save for a rainy day" - save money for the future

"Rain on someone's parade" - to ruin someone's plans or mood

"In the eye of the storm" - in the middle of a difficult situation


Understanding the weather forecast is important to plan ahead for our day. By using these common English expressions, we can easily talk about the weather with our friends and colleagues. Try incorporating some of these weather-related phrases into your daily conversations to improve your English skills.


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