
zydadmin2024-04-08  53

10个描述凉风的成语(10 Idioms to Describe the Cold Wind)

The winter season is often characterized by cold and icy winds that can chill our bones to the core. These winds are a familiar sight during the chilly months, and English language has idioms that can best describe these gusts of wind.

1. Cutting edge

This idiom describes a sharp and icy cold wind that can literally cut through your clothing. You may feel like you've been sliced by a knife due to the intensity of the wind chill.

2. It's bone-chilling

It is the kind of cold that you feel in your bones. A bone-chilling wind penetrates through your clothing and freezes you to the core.

3. The wind whistles

The wind whistles is an idiom that captures the whistling sound of the wind as it passes through the trees and other objects during the winter season.

4. Bitter Cold

When winter hits, the temperature drops precipitously, and the wind can make the cold even more biting. This is what the idiom bitter cold conveys.

5. Jack Frost visits

When the cold wind of winter visits, it's often associated with the appearance of Jack Frost, the fictional character that represents the chilly wind and frosty mornings.

6. Numbing Cold

When the winter wind hits, it can cause numbness in the fingers and toes. It's the kind of cold that makes it hard to think, and the idiom "numbing cold" perfectly encapsulates this feeling.

7. Freezing cold

During winter, the temperature drops severely, and the biting wind can make the cold even more unbearable. This is what is meant by the idiom, 'freezing cold'.

8. The icy grip of winter

Winter winds often have a firm grasp, almost like an icy hand gripping onto you. That's exactly what this idiom represents.

9. It's a frigid blast

The frigid blast is an idiom that captures the intensity of a gust of freezing wind as it blows through you. It's a feeling that can make you want to hide away under a blanket for warmth.

10. The winter chill

If you've ever stepped outside on a chilly winter day, you'll know precisely what the idiom 'winter chill' is describing. The cold is biting, making it challenging to stay warm even under layers of clothing.

In conclusion, the English language has many idioms that can aptly describe the cold wind during winter. These idioms serve as colorful ways to express the frigid feeling that can chill our bones to the core.


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