
zydadmin2024-04-11  39

My Face When I Realized It's Monday Tomorrow

Have you ever had that feeling where Sunday evening rolls around and you suddenly remember that tomorrow is Monday? That's the exact moment when this photo was taken. I swear the weight of the entire week was suddenly upon my shoulders and I was not ready for it.

But let's be real, who is ever ready for a Monday? It's like the universe's cruel joke. Just when you've settled in to the weekend and are getting a taste of freedom, Monday comes along like a wrecking ball to ruin everything.

So what's a girl to do in this situation? Well, I recommend a healthy dose of self-care. Make yourself a cup of tea, light some candles, put on a face mask, and just try to forget that Monday is lurking around the corner.

Or, you could pull a sickie. I mean, I'm not condoning it, but desperate times call for desperate measures, right?

The Face of Someone Who Just Realized They Sent a Text to the Wrong Person

We've all been there. You're quickly firing off a text to a friend or family member, not paying close attention to who you're sending it to, and BAM. You realize with horror that you've sent it to the wrong person.

That's the exact moment captured in this photo. My heart sank as I read the message back and realized that it was not meant for the person I had accidentally sent it to. Cue the red face, sweaty palms, and desperate attempts to undo the damage.

But sometimes, there's just no coming back from a text gone wrong. You have to face the music and apologize (or maybe just avoid that person for a while). It's a lesson we all learn eventually.

When You Try to Take a Selfie But Your Phone Suddenly Dies

Is there anything more frustrating than trying to snap the perfect selfie, only to have your phone die right as you're about to hit the shutter button? I think not.

This photo was taken during one such attempt. I had the perfect angle, the perfect lighting, and the perfect duck face all lined up, but my phone had other plans. It let out a sad little beep and decided to give up on life, leaving me with nothing but this disheartened expression.

I know I could have just charged my phone and tried again later, but that's not the point. The moment was gone, the magic was lost, and I was left feeling like a big ol' failure.

But hey, at least I didn't drop my phone on my face, right? That would have been a real tragedy.


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