
zydadmin2024-04-14  176

Let it go - The Meaning of "RTS" in Letting Go

As human beings, we tend to hold onto our past experiences, our regrets, and our mistakes. These feelings can weigh us down and prevent us from living our lives to the fullest. Letting go is not always easy, but it is necessary for our well-being and happiness. This is where the acronym "RTS" comes into play in the process of letting go.

RTS - Release, Trust, Surrender

RTS stands for Release, Trust, Surrender. The first step to letting go is to release what no longer serves us. This can be anything from old relationships to negative self-talk. The act of releasing is about acknowledging and accepting what has happened, and then consciously letting it go. The second step is to trust the process. Trust that everything happens for a reason, and that as you let go, you are making room for something better to come into your life. The final step is to surrender to the journey. Surrendering is about letting go of any expectations or attachments to the outcome. It's about embracing the unknown and having faith that everything will work out in the end.

Why is Letting Go Important?

Holding onto negative experiences or emotions can have a detrimental effect on our mental and physical health. It can lead to anxiety, depression, and even physical ailments such as headaches and stomach issues. Letting go is a way to free ourselves from these toxic emotions and experiences. It allows us to move forward and live in the present moment. When we let go, we create space for new experiences, opportunities, and relationships to enter our lives.

How Can We Practice RTS?

The practice of RTS is a daily process and requires conscious effort. Here are some ways to incorporate RTS into your life:

Release - Write down what you need to release and then burn the paper as a symbolic gesture of letting go.

Trust - Practice gratitude and focus on the positive aspects of your life. Trust that everything is happening for a reason.

Surrender - Practice mindfulness and be present in the moment. Let go of any attachments to the outcome.

Remember that the practice of letting go is not a one-time event. It is a continuous process that requires patience and practice. Be kind to yourself and trust that as you release, trust, and surrender, you are creating a happier and more fulfilling life for yourself.


Letting go is not always easy, but it is necessary for our well-being and happiness. RTS - Release, Trust, Surrender - is a powerful acronym that can guide us in the process of letting go. When we let go, we create space for new experiences, opportunities, and relationships to enter our lives. Remember that the practice of letting go is a continuous process that requires conscious effort. By incorporating RTS into our daily lives, we can create a happier and more fulfilling life for ourselves. So, let it go and watch as your heart and mind become free.


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