
zydadmin2024-04-17  28

The Common Ways to Express Age in Old English

A person's age has always been an important factor in many cultures throughout history. In Old English, there are various ways to express one's age, some of which are still in use today. Here are some of the most common ways:

The First Decade of Life

When referring to a child who is less than ten years old, the age is often expressed by the number of years they have completed. For example, a child who has completed five years is said to be "five winters old".

Another way to express age in this age group is by using half years. For example, a child who is four and a half years old would be referred to as "four winters and a half".

The Second Decade of Life

As a person enters their second decade of life, the way of expressing age changes. In Old English, people would refer to their "teens" as a way of indicating their age. For example, a person who is thirteen years old would be referred to as a "thir-teen", while a sixteen-year-old would be a "six-teen".

The Third Decade of Life and Beyond

When a person reaches their third decade of life, the "teens" system is no longer used. Instead, the age is expressed by the number of "threes" they have completed. For example, a person who is twenty-seven years old would be referred to as having completed "three and twenty winters".

It is also common in Old English to use the word "sum" to express an age that is close to a certain number. For example, a person who is thirty-two years old would be referred to as "sum thirty winters old".


While these ways of expressing age may seem outdated to modern speakers of English, they provide a fascinating insight into the language and culture of the Old English period. Understanding these various methods can deepen one's appreciation for this important period in English history and shed light on the way our language has evolved over time.


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